Friday, July 30, 2010


Picture borrowed from

Simply love this bedroom.
The headboard feels very inviting and looks just as a big cozy arm chair.

Things have not worked our way today, so the flooring is not yet completely done. Hopefully it will be during the weekend...

Take good care all of you out there!
/Love Tina

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting on...

Today we will continue the work in our kitchen in our home. Hopefully the flooring will be finished today and then we can finally go on with the cabinets.
We have chosen a light maple floor(Very Swedish? Picture of it further down).
Yet, I do have to admit that I also adore dark wooden floors just like the one in the picture above.
I am so looking foward to having a new fresh kitchen. It has been a lot of work and some days we have been really tired renovating the house. For sure this part has been the absolute worst project so far, and for you who has been in the same situation I think you know what I
Have a nive friday you all!
/Love Tina

This picture has been borrowed from

With a personal touch...

Photos borrowed from

Since I now have new followers(thanks to lovely Charlotta who runs the beautiful blog Space For Inspiration) I have decided to try this in english.
I just love this report from Helena Christensens home in New York, shown on The Selby(Click on the pictures for full scale).
Rough brick walls and industrial items softens up with a very womenly touch.
For me it feels really, really personal and I just adore the mix!

Hope you´ll enjoy!
/Love Tina

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Being a little bit crazy...

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I samma stund som jag fullkomligt älskar modern design kan jag bli galet förtjust i en inredningsmiljö som denna.
Min mycket spridda smak har skapat stor vånda och förvirring hos mig genom åren och jag vet ibland inte åt vilket håll jag egentligen ska gå.
Hur gör ni där ute när ni inreder era bostäder? Kör ni på en stil eller är ni djärva och vågar blanda hej vilt?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Klubbat och klart...

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Jo, men. Den fantastiska Wassily chair är nu i mina ägor! Det här är min allra första äkta möbelklassiker och jag känner mig så stolt!
Sedan tidigare har vi en Barcelona-fåtölj designad av Mies van der Rohe ståendes i vardagsrummet men den är inte äkta vara utan en kopia som i och för sig duger bra tills vidare.
Möbeldesign är något jag verkligen är passionerad i och jag skulle hemskt gärna vilja äga fler möbelklassiker av t ex Le Corbusier(t ex Lc4 på bilden ovan), Eileen Gray och Arne Jacobsen. Älskar dem!

Monday, July 26, 2010


I eftermiddag avgörs en onlineauktion hos som jag deltar i gällande en stol(enligt bilden ovan) designad och formgiven av Bauhausmästaren Marcel Breuer.
Än så länge verkar det gå vägen men man vet aldrig vad som händer mot slutet av auktionen. Många gånger droppar det in sista-minuten-deltagare.
En trevlig dag önskas alla besökare!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

FUNHOUSE TATTOO - a little overview..

Here's Fester doing another FINE piece!! Perfectly executed Chinese letters.. complete with brush strokes. You could see all the tiny lines from the camel hair brush that it could have originaly been painted with! Don't know if that's what they use in China for brushes...
Fester tattoos with confidence and precision. Natural instinct. He has years under his belt of hardships & good times. He's had to jump some hurdles in his lifetime! All of these things can side track you from your trajectory of being a professional tattoo artists. He stuck with it and now 13 years later.... greatness.

Sasha does too! I don't think you will find another quite like her. ...This feather is so clean and well done. All this talent and ability is from YEARS of work. Working on your own legs... guinea pigging friends, working on Ryan! The amount of dedication it takes to do what she does is unbelievable. The anxiety and stress in the early years from trying to push your limits and occasionally falling on your face compares to accidentally cutting off the wrong foot of a patient with gang green in his toes... well, maybe not as bad. We have all been through it and come out the other side!!

It's as if one day, a light bulb goes on in your head and all of the sudden you're doing stuff like this:

or this shell by Sasha:

Now, because of the TV shows on tattooing, tons of people want to get into it. It's not the Outlaw art it used to be. It's great for business but it's lost it's edge. There are tons of kids who want to get an apprenticeship, or think it' s an easy job. It' s not. People think that just because you're a good artists, you can do this. Or just because you have a degree from some art school that you will be attractive to us to bring you in as an apprentice. Not true. We get tons of inquiries about an "apprenticeship program" or if we need any apprentices. Nobody ever NEEDS one... really. Maybe a helper to clean tubes... sterilize, answer phones... but to find somebody who is willing to dedicate YEARS of their life to learning this trade is a rare thing. It's even more rare to find somebody who is WORTH teaching this to.

I had an apprentice once - Jeremy Riley. He turned out GREAT. He was with me for 9 years!!! He now owns Tattoo Union on Broadway... right down the street from where he started.

For me, every aspect of tattooing is important. It's not just the art of tattooing...Here's a bit about what I do on the side... building tattoo machines.

This is the NEW steel BLACK WIDOW machine. It's coils are not only triangular in shape, the space between the protruding tops and bottoms allow for more winds of wire. It is a strong smooth running machine, yet sensitive and versatile enough to execute the finest details with the smallest needle groupings as well as subtle grey shades.

Most machine suppliers will sell a machine for the fair market price, but now that China is involved, the price does not always match the product. Most artists want to buy a machine which is ready to go. Buy one of those and if you don't know how to adjust of modify it, the price just wasn't worth it. Our machines are ready to go, tuned and set up to be able to perform whatever function you need to perform.

This is the Godoy Machines V3 machine. This piece of machinery has had year of designing and testing. It happens to be our 3rd patent in the works!! The way this machine runs doesn't compare to ANY machine out there. Every component has been dissected and re worked for function and ergonomics. From the precise machining to the tight layer winds, from the deluxe powder coated finishes to the minor details like fasteners and terminals... this is a piece of highly functional art. Because of the coils shapes, there are more layers of wire than on a standard machine. It will operate at between 6 and 7.5 on a regulated power supply. Which is a higher than on our V2 and Black Widow machines. This does not change function. You will not find a smoother feeling machine than this one. This is the Mercedes of tattoo machines.

The Godoy Machines V2... what can I say. Before our office actions with the square coil patent, we were experimenting with a V series coil. The shape of the coil, the angles of the coil... and of course the wire gauges were all things we were studying. We were also concerned with the magnetic field and how to direct it to where we wanted it to go. We slanted the coils, away from each other to re direct the magnetic field to either end of the moving armature bar, and here ya go... the V2 was born. Future modifications lead us to now, where the rear coil is straight and the front coil is angled.


We believe in advancement. We support creativity and originality. The shop environment, though light hearted and fun, is also serious. We are serious about the service we provide and the ethics we keep

Saturday, July 24, 2010


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Idag har det här hos mig varit ett riktigt busväder ute. Gillar dock känslan regnet och den mörka himlen drog med sig. En perfekt dag att bara vara inomhus, krypa upp i sängen, tända lite värmeljus, se en film, läsa, mysa, slappa, bara vara, fundera, filosofera, njuta.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Ja, inom några få veckor dimper den nu äntligen ner i våra brevlådor gott folk. Allas vår inredningsbibel; den nya IKEA- katalogen!
Enligt säkra källor börjar katalogen delas ut från och med v.34. Jag kan knappt bärga mig, det är alltid lika spännande!
Var faktiskt en liten sväng på IKEA idag och upptäckte då en och annan nyhet i sortimentet. En klar favorit är nya stilrena och mycket prisvärda soffan KIVIK(skymtas på omslaget). Raka linjer, modern och på alla vis väldigt enkel i sitt utförande. Gillar!
Trevlig helg you all(här ska läggas golv i nya köket)!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

going inside.

sometimes i miss this place.


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Så här under somarhalvåret känns det underbart härligt med det marina temat och efter att ha haft privilegiet att arbeta några dagar i ett sommarhus på Österlen har jag onekligen fått smak för hur det skulle vara med ett alldeles eget sommarställe...
Hoppas ni alla får en bra dag! Själv ska jag få rå om två av mina underbara brorsbarn. Vi ska ha en riktig mysdag ihop!
Kommentera gärna!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dogs hair styles

Dog a Hair Cut

Modern Dog haircuts with more dog pictures in this blog

Teddy bear haircuts dogs

Teddy bear haircuts dogs

Dog Grooming

Airedale TerrierImage via Wikipedia

The Basic Dog Grooming of hair and skin: A dog's coat can be long and soft like those of the Afghan Hounds, Shih-Tzu, Cocker Spaniel, etc… The coat can be thick and dense as found on the Siberian Husky, German Shepherd and other dogs that have descended from extreme cold geographic regions and whose coats usually have a heavy undercoat that is then protected by a weather resistant outer coat (topcoat).Then there are the wire-haired breeds and this list includes the Fox Terrier, Airedale Terrier, West Highland Terrier, among others. It is usually recommended that these types of coats be allowed to keep their stiff texture.

Then there are the wire-haired breeds and this list includes the Fox Terrier, Airedale Terrier, West Highland Terrier, among others. It is usually recommended that these types of coats be allowed to keep their stiff texture.
Poodles have what is often referred to as a curly-haired coat and then there are the corded coats of the Puli or Kuvasz. It is crucial that anyone who wishes to properly groom and care for dog coats learn first how recognize and to properly brush and comb all the different types of coats. And the first step to learning this is to learn how to choose the best brush, comb or grooming instrument for each particular coat. Along with this is learning the proper direction to work the coat, so as to obtain the best result, whether it is with or against the lay of the hair. It is important that we also keep in mind that a dog's hair grows out of its skin and for this reason it is also good to have an understanding of the skin's functions and problems to that you will be better prepared to deal with any possible problems.

Types of dog haircuts

A yellow Labrador retriever. Labradors come in...Image via Wikipedia

Types of dog haircuts

Dogs with this type of hair have shorter under coats which are moderately abundant and also shorter outer coats which are straight, abundant, and smooth, stiff and the length of this hair is even all around the dog's body. The types of dogs that have this type of coat are pinschers, pointers, and boxers. Obviously this type of hair does not tangle, but when it sheds, the dead hair stays stuck on the couches, carpets etc and it is difficult to get rid of even when it is done with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

Dogs with long hair: This type of hair is longer and denser behind the dog's ears, armpits, and behind the thighs and tail. The outer coat is somewhat long, smooth and shiny. The types of dogs with this type of hair are collies, Samoyedos, and some Spitz's. These types of breeds have problems with knots on their under coats as well as behind their ears, armpits, behind their thighs and tails, however, their hair is not likely to become tangled if it is taken care of correctly. These dogs shed two times a year.

Dogs with curly hair: Dogs with this type of hair have little or no undercoats and the outer coats consist of curls that constantly grow. This type of hair needs to get shaves or cut with scissors. Dogs with this type of hair are poodles, Bichon Frise's, Irish water spaniels, and curly coated retrievers.
These types of coat consist of fine hair the wrap around the straight smooth hair and together it forms into a tight tangled rope.

Dogs with short thick coats: This type of hair is constituted of a wooly, abundant and dense undercoat and the outer coat is short, smooth and soft. The dogs with this type of coat are German shepherds, Labradors, Huskies etc. This type of coat does not get tangled in spite of the fact that these dogs's hair is thicker around the chest area as well as in their thighs and tails. These types of dogs shed two times a year.

Monday, July 19, 2010


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Dagens bild riktigt fångade mig när den dök upp på min datorskärm härom dagen.
Helt underbar färgskala!
Kelim-mattan är såå vacker till den i övrigt sobra inredningen. Ett riktigt drömsovrum med takbalkar och allt...
Här hemma går det framåt med köksrenoveringen(för er som undrar). Håller just nu på att sätta fönstersmygar mm. Lite finlir. Sen återstår golvläggning, golvlister och fönsterfoder liksom montering av köksskåp. Skulle tro att allt kommer att stå färdigt i september månad.
En sak har jag lärt mig och det är att ska man göra det mesta själv får man räkna med att det tar tid. En hel massa tid! Men, i slutändan är det ändå värt det, för vi tycker ju samtidigt att det är roligt att fixa och skapa vårt hus så mycket som möjligt själva. En viktig insikt att falla tillbaka på när tålamodet tryter.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hos amerikanska West Elm hittar man just nu en massa härlig inspiration inför hösten. Hemsidan har fått sig en make over och känns nu ännu mer modern och stilren.
Miljöerna går i mycket sobra färger och höstmänniska som jag är väcks nu redan faktiskt en liten längtan efter nästkommande årstid!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Cover ups are serious business. They are a great way to get rid of regret, wether it's the memories of that Vegas trip when you got married by Elvis and got your future ex husband's name tattooed on you or wether it's a souvenir from your f*cked up teenage years experimenting with sewing needle and india ink tattoos! Emotional regret is a different story!!

Cover ups don't have to be so complicated. Any quality artist SHOULD be able to cover a tattoo. The "normal" way to cover a tattoo is to use a color that is darker than the colors used in the tattoo to be covered. Most artists (the mediocre ones) would have chosen a design which was mostly BLACK to cover this tribal, like another tribal or a mountain gorilla or... When in reality, a color that is the same value of the tattoo to be covered will work to blend it into the new design or to cover it. The tattoo in picture is greyish... a dolphin would have easily covered this, leaving plenty of clear skin to put a rainbow coming out of it's ass and not have the colors muddied up by the grey tattoo.

If you look at photo number one, the tattoo looks dark on the skin because the only color to contrast it is her skin color, but if you took a blue ball point pen and drew a line on the tattoo, you would see that the pen is darker than the tattoo and you would know that you have more options than you think!

Tattoo colors in their bottles look thick, dark and dense... they are much like tempera paint, or poster paints, the difference is in the surface they to be applied to. On paper, the color will be opaque, that is to say "solid" because the surface is not as porous as skin is so on paper, these colors can cover spots or patches which are dark. IN the skin, the colors go in transparent so there's no way you can cover a freckle with yellow, or pink or anything lighter in value than that freckle. They will show through, some darker scars will too... birthmarks, the same... GET IT?

how bout now?

In this tattoo I (Art) used shades of battle ship grey and watered down black to do the "base coat" of the tattoo... creating a foundation which would make it easier to add lighter colors around those areas to create depth.

If you need cover up work, think of the images that you like. It's up to us to make it cover that ugliness. You should be open minded because NOT all images will cover all tattoos, for example, a bright yellow happy face would never cover this grey tribal tattoo. The only other option, if your tattoo is super dark, besides tattooing a big black patch is laser treatments... which can be used to lighten the tattoo in order to have more options for cover up designs, or to get rid of it all together.

If anyone can do it, we can. Got one to do really soon, the clown who did it originally, knows who he is. Have a few ideas in mind just in CASE Your original idea doesn't work.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


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Puh, vad varmt det har varit. För mig har nätterna varit det som plågar. Temperaturen har vägrat gå ner och jag har bara legat och snurrat, inte kunnat sova. Inatt kom det dock in lite svalare luft över Blekinge och jag fick äntligen en god natts sömn.
Älskar den här sovrumsmiljön. Kolonialt med mörka träslag och vita kontraster. Speglarna var sida om sängen ovanför sängborden är en trevlig idé, känns som om de ramar in och skapar en känsla av rymd.
Allt är supervackert komponerat!
Have a nice day you all!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

before the beginning.

a few things to announce.

london convention this year:
i will,unlike as usual,NOT make any appointments for the convention.the idea is to draw a bunch of tattoodesigns beforehand and that will be the only work i will offer to do during the show.some sort of one-time-only-flashset.and as soon one piece is gone,i will put a red dot on it,so it will be taken by that one client and not reproduced anymore.

like a collecters thing,if you want to say so.

and then,an update on what i am working on at the moment.this book travelled a while with me,it was a good companion in phoenix,portland,romford,liverpool and ,of course,copenhagen.

it includes 50 pages of A3 size and a lot sketches for the next publication of mine on the amazing is a few more pages to go,but it is coming together slowly.

and i should listen to john frusciante a lot more fits in the mood on a thunderstorm evening in cph.

have a nice evening.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

La France...

Gillar verkligen det här kontoret som går i lite fransk stil. Designen är åt det busiga hållet och inte så strikt(som jag själv förmodligen hade valt). Framförallt känns det väldigt personligt, därav även väldigt inspirerande!

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Vilken värme vi har haft och har! Redan nu på morgonen var det stekande hett, nästan tropisk värme. Dt blir till att försöka svalka sig i duschen och med kalla drycker.
Trevlig helg!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


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Den här stilen är förmodligen något du aldrig skulle få se hemma hos mig. Ändock är det här någonting som jag verkligen gillar och dras till!
Mixen av färger och olika mönster är helt fantastisk och passar den som vill ta ut svängarna lite grann. Ta hjälp av IKEA, Hemtex och Indiska för att skapa stilen.

Ps. Vill du ha mera sovrumsinspiration? Klicka på "sovrum" i Ettikettraden nedan så kommer alla tidigare inlägg inom samma grupp upp! Ds.

Living like Patrick Bateman...

Inredningstokig som man är finner jag inspiration nästan ö-v-e-r-a-l-l-t, inte minst i filmernas värld!
I filmen American Psycho bor huvudpersonen Patrick Bateman(fantastiskt tolkad av favoritskådisen Christian Bale) i ovan minimalistiska våning på Manhattan.
En strikt tygsoffa i vitt gör sig väl tillsammans med Mies van der Rohe´s Barcelonafåtöljer dito pallar.
I bakgrunden ses även en stol formgiven av den berömda arkitekten, formgivaren och konstnären Charles Rennie Macintosh.
Jag måste säga att jag gillar det här och våningen speglar naturligtvis karaktären Patrick Batemans perfekta yttre med syfte att dölja hans andra personlighet som seriemördare(!).

Hemma hos Rickard Styleroom finner du mer inspiration till ett mycket ordningsamt hem, I like!


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Igår tog jag mig äntligen årets allra första dopp i havet och det var helt underbart!
Det blev ett kvällsdopp(efter en lång och svettig dag på jobbet)och temperaturen måste ha varit över 20 för jag låg i en bra stund.
Idag tycks bli lite sämre väder så det får bli lite arbete vid datorn.
Have a nice day!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


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Idag låter jag bilden tala för sig själv...
Önskar er alla en bra start på veckan!

Det börjar arta sig...

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Äntligen så börjar köksrenoveringen ta form här hemma. Vi har kämpat länge nu och varit utan ett ordentligt kök sedan i våras. Räddningen har varit tvättstugan i källarplanet där vi ställt ner spis och diskmaskin liksom haft tillgång till en rejäl diskbänk.
Lite målning återstår sedan är det dags att lägga golv, fixa fönstersmygar och golvlist. När det är klart återstår så själva monteringen av köket. Ska bli galet härligt när vi väl är där!
Trevlig söndag you all!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


JULY 9 - 11 in Langley. 2 artists per day at our booth. If you want to get tattooed at the convention, please call the shop to see which ones of us will be there on what day. Should be a good event. For more info on the show, go to :






If we're busy, come by anyway, make an appointment to get tattooed at the shop! See you there!