Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vila i frid...

Bild lånad från Allposters.com

Idag fick vi åka med grannens hund akut till veterinären. Tina, en 12 år gammal Labrador hade varit hängig några dagar i samband med att hon löpte. Under det senaste dygnet blev hon dock alltmer sämre och precis som vi misstänkte så konstaterades det hos veterinären att hon drabbats av livmoderinflammation.
Med hänvisning till den höga åldern togs beslut om att låta Tina få somna in. Allt gick så lugnt och fint till!
En stor eloge till Veterinärmottagningen i Näsum som tog emot oss så snabbt och med ett sådant fint omhändertagande!

Det kommer att bli tomt utan Tina där uppe på höjden, skällandes på alla förbipasserande på vägen. Alltsedan vi flyttade till vårt lilla hus i Strömma har Tina funnits med sittandes på stentrappan hos vår granne Rune. Hon har genom åren blivit en kär vän som alltid hållit koll på oss(och vi på henne), vaktat och skänkt mycket glädje!
Trots allt var det ändå bäst att hon fick somna in och nu vet vi alla att hon är utan lidande och har det bra!

Vila i frid nu lilla Tina, du finns för alltid i våra tankar!
Vi kommer att sakna dig jättemycket!!!

Dreamhouse tipsar...

Det här var ju en helt fantastisk idé. Varför nöja sig med att beskåda de vackra omrbunkarna endast i trädgården? Nej, gör som Camilla med bloggen Dreamhouse och ta med dem in!
Exotiskt och vackert!
I övrigt har ju Camilla ett mycket stilfullt hem. Kelim- mattan är en favorit liksom den mörka sammetsklädda(?) Howardsoffan. Och så det mörka golvet så klart!

Monday, June 28, 2010

New machine donated

This shader is made by Premium Karl

Make an offer

Sunday, June 27, 2010


About 8 years ago, the shop was open on Broadway and Ontario. I was in need of another artist to fill a chair and Mark walked in. When potential artists come looking for work, I usually look at their portfolios and take a day or 2 to decide, unless it's real mediocre stuff or poor stuff, in that case, I shut 'em down right there. But Mark was a whole other story. I said "can you start tomorrow?" Ha!! He agreed. Now, we had another secret weapon in the shop to combat any mediocrity in the city.

Every artist has their own style and some artists, these days, don't. They have someone else's style. This can be seen in the trend of repetitive traditional tattooing. Some artists don't travel outa their comfort zone. Mark doesn't have a comfort zone, he's uncomfortable all the time, that's why he does great work like this!!

If I was to categorize his style, I would say it's a cross between action hero comic books and realism. See these dragons he's doing, that's what dragons look like in real life, for your information. And this is what Heather our shop helper and owner of THE GOODS SCREENING AND APPAREL ON BROADWAY AT KINGSWAY just across from the KINGS GATE MALL looks like when she's on the toilet! Go talk to her, maybe you can buff her flamed helmet and then, she can buff yours... if not, go purchase some of their items, or get some shirts printed.

Maybe you're just like the rest of the world and really enjoy collecting fetus skeletons and want to pay tribute to your collection with a tattoo of one in a test tube! Or maybe you are a girl who likes to drive tanks and destroy sh*t. BAM!!!

If so, Mark will do it.

Maybe you want that portrait of your dalmatian. Y'know, that special photo you took of him before he died from smoking may mean everything to you. At least you got one before he died!! And now, you could remember him FOREVER the way he was when he was happiest...before the tar in his lungs turned into tumors and suffocated him to death.

Whatever it is, realistic, Japanese, bio-mechanical, color, black and grey... come down and talk to Mark. Come down and talk about hobos, government, food, Bart Simpson, the dumpster, the broom...christmas socks.

Ralph Lauren...

Idag en vacker och inspirerande sovrumsmiljö från Ralph Lauren.
Rummet förmedlar onekligen en känsla av välfärd och lyx!
För mig förs tankarna till en strandvilla belägen någonstans i den Karibiska övärlden. Det är bara till att låta sig svepas med av känslan och drömma sig bort...

Idag ska det tydligen bli värmebölja. Jag har börjat längta efter ett dopp i havet, men än är det tydligen lite för kallt för min smak(17 grader) så det får vänta någon vecka till.
Trevlig söndag!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Registered studios that will work for charity on July the 9th

C./Gerona 22 





Midlands Tattoo Centre

Wolverhampton Road



Another machine donated

Hari from SoCal Irons donated a great 100% handmade tattoo machine from the US.
 His machines are in great demand aswell and this one is made with a special smile, so don't be shy guys and girls to make an offer.
130hz 50% 6.5v

Thursday, June 24, 2010

about your partner and his/her ideas for YOUR tattoo

i think it is about time to talk about something that bothers me for a while.
it happens sometimes,a couple comes to a consultation appointment that has been set up for ONE client,and i talk to that ONE client about her/his ideas ideas for a tattoo,and all of a sudden for reasons i am totally unaware of,the partner of my client thinks,he/she has any right to talk my client into her/his ideas.or even better,the maybe client just hands my portfolio straight to his/her partner,and tells me about the partners right to decide what the maybe client should get done.

it might work like this in tv-shows about tattooing,but not in real life.

or,to say it in other words:i will not tattoo YOU,if you are not able to make decisions in life that most likely last longer than your relationship.i couldnt care less about what your boyfriend thinks, and it means shit to me if your girlfriend thinks that you should or should not get something done for whatever reasons.there is no reason that you need help to make this decision but on your own,and i promise,i am not trying to convince you to get something done that you dont want.my job is to adjust your idea,maybe help you a little to find the right design for what you have in mind,and be sure,the only two people that are important when it comes to get a tattoo done are you and me.no one else.

thank you.


Bilder lånade från aochco.se

Älskar den här härliga modellen av soffor, s k Howardsoffor. Sittvänliga och vackra att beskåda!
Imorgon är det Midsommarafton. Tänk att vi är framme där redan. Sommaren går fort och det gäller att ta vara på alla fina(och regniga) dagar!

En riktigt Glad Midsommar önskas alla besökare!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Böcker & ting...

Bild lånad från The selby.com

Ännu en bokhylla som inspirerar!
Snyggt med böckerna liggandes i staplar tillsammans med en mix av personliga foton och vackra föremål.
Hyllan ger hemmet en personlig och avslappnad atmosfär.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Bild lånad från The selby.com

Även om just den här tjusiga kofferten är en Louis Vuitton(very expensive!) så vill jag med dagens inlägg inspirera ändamålet med den.
Amerikakoffertar kan ofta ses hos antik- och loppisaffärer och under sommarhalvåret brukar ju ett besök hos dessa vara en populär aktivitet. Så varför inte ge dig ut på jakt i sommarsolen och precis som på bilden, använda ditt fynd som ett sidobord i hallen, vardagsrummet eller sovrummet. Jättetrevlig idé!
Kram på er!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

V + D = Sant

Bild lånad från Splendidwillow.com

Igår gifte sig så äntligen vår Kronprinsessa Viktoria med sin Daniel. För mig blev det lite oväntat faktiskt en hel del timmar framför tv:n. Kort och gott en intressant och trevlig händelse, väl värd att se och ta del av!
Nu återstår så för Kronprinsessan och Daniel att sätta bo i Haga slott. Hur kommer paret att inreda sitt hem måntro?
Blir det kunglig stil à la Barock, Rokoko, Gustavianskt och Empire eller kanske något helt oväntat i modern, minimalistisk stil?
Jag gissar på en blandning av antika arvegods och nyinköpt modernt och håller tummarna för att lite bilder faktiskt kommer att publiceras framöver.
Trevlig söndag!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

on the way to liverpool.

i am back in europe finally after more than two month in the states.i am not a big fan of phoenix,arizona,but portland in oregon was really nice.if you ever get there,check out scapegoat tattoo,one of the nicest shop i have ever been to,everybody working there is an awesome tattooer and super nice as well as well.
if you are vegan,portland should be on your places-to-visit-list anyway.i think i gained a few stones in a week.but it was worth it!hungry tiger,blossoming lotus,sweatpea bakery and many more are just a few restaurants to be named here.

tomorrow i will travel to liverpool to work the show on the weekend.and then i am finally back to beloved cph.cant wait.

take care

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Bild lånad från The selby.com

Älskar enkelheten i denna bild.
Ett par resårbottnar klädda med vita överdrag har bytts ut mot traditionella soffor. Praktisk lösning om man inte har ett separat rum att hysa in gäster i.
Det vita golvet och de vita väggarna tillsammans med trädstubbarna skapar en naturlig, fräsch och ren känsla.
Varför krångla till det?
Hoppas ni alla får en bra dag!
Kram från mig!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Some of what we do is stuff that most artists in the city won't do. Saying that we do the impossible is close, but if we can do it how can it be impossible? It's skill level that makes it possible! Sometimes, an artist will say "it can't be done that small" and sometimes it's true, there are pieces that can be too small, like some high detailed fonts, but most of the time what these are really saying "I can't do it that small." Professionally, it would be better to tell it like it is to a client because the client will then decide wether to search for an artist who CAN and not have to compromise their original decision on size or settle. Some clients are open minded enough to let an artist "try" or go with it and accept the tattoo in a larger size. John Day's angel (above) took 4 hours... no outlines...just shades of color. No compromising here.

This is Yolanda's cover up... a mediocre under water scene is replaced by a high detailed realistic coral scene.

It boils down to skill level. Some artists will even say "in 10 years the lines will be fuzzy and the details gone"... another excuse. That is something that is impossible to predict! Exposure to sun, their pre disposed aging due to genetics, elasticity of the skin... after care, weight gain, muscle gain... all these things are factors!! But, let's just say, if that were true, that "in 10 years, the detailed, fine line tattoo will look like a turd", then so will the thick bold black lines they prefer to do! May be even worse!!! I don't know which would be worse a faded single needle line which could turn a light grey with shading that will disappear, or a dark bold line which will only get thicker with a grey fuzz around it.

Portraits and realistic work are standards used to measure an artist's general skill by. It takes eye-hand coordination to do these. First a stencil is placed on the skin, marking every subtle shade or wrinkle, the eyelashes, the highlights... and then it's up to the artist to translate the shade or value for that particular area wether it's by mixing the color or thinning down the black ink with water, BY EYE. Some artists excel in "traditional" style tattooing, which today is recognized as trendy, just like the tribal armband of the 90's. It does take some skill to draw a tattoo to match the style of tattooing's early pioneers (skulls with square eyes..), but the technique used to actually tattoo this style of work is rudimentary. Lining with a 7 - 9 needle liner and doing solid color is what most artists learn in their first few months of holding a machine.

This portrait was small, the guy's arm was skinny so he didn't have much room to work with, the face alone was approximately just over an inch wide so imagine the size of the eyes. This is single needle stuff!! The shades making the muscle tones, and facial details wasn't all done in blacks or greys... I won't let the cat out of the bag but any GOOD artist will be able to look at an image and instinctively know what to mix to get there.

Some areas are hard to work on. Just look at the surface of the skin! There are dips and valleys, occasionally there are creases, moles... going from soft areas to hard bony areas!! It's not an easy job... a professional can make it look easy but it can be the most frustrating thing ever.

Some clients have great skin to work on! Even the subtle-est greys show up on them. This portrait was a pleasure to do!! This was freshly done so there is a little redness but you can see on the hat and the collar that Seio's skin was great for portraits. Don't mean to toot our own horn... TOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! But this is what WE CAN do. We are doers. As Wentzle Ruml would say, "I can do it, I'm doin' it." He's the guy 27 seconds in... you must see this movie, even if you don't skate...

SO, after work, do you know what time it is? Hungry?

how bout now?

Work all day... eat in the evening... digest all night... sweat all night digesting meat... wake up, put out a bi- product that looks like the baked beans in the picture.. with a side of what looks like the lemonade in the picture... clean up and do it again.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Hamptons...

Bild lånad från Coastalliving.com

Så här under sommarhalvåret skulle jag gott kunna tänka mig att omvandla mitt hem i en strand- och semesterinspirerad stil. Ovan bild är helt underbar och för tankarna till ett sommarhus i The Hamptons. Känslan av hav, strand och semester är fulländad!
Ha det gott!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tattoo machines donated

Inkspressit donated a great 100% handmade tattoo machine from New Zealand.
 His machines are in great demand and this one is made with a special smile, so don't be shy guys and girls to make an offer.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Jag vill hylla...

Bild lånad från The selby.com

Långt bort från inredningsmagasinens super-stylade hem finner man på internetsajten The Selby foton från verkliga människors verkliga hem. Hit återvänder jag ofta och finner nästan alltid något som jag gillar och som inspirerar!
Dagens bild visar på personlig smak. Här samsas Verner Panton- stolar med en nästan lantlig alt. strandinspirerad inredning.
Jag måste erkänna att jag verkligen uppskattar den vågade blandningen!
Trevlig helg önskas alla besökare!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

9 July 2010 a full day tattooing for charity. The more studios who join us the more children we can help

Join us on facebook

Join our facebook group and get updates on our cause.


3 world renowned machine builders are making a tattoo machine for our cause, keep an eye on our pages for the endresults and where you'll be able to purchase them.


Jenis : Chinese Shar-Pei, Jantan
Usia : 3 bulan
Harga : IDR 7.500.000
Kelengkapan : Stanbum, Vaksin, Obat cacing rutin.


Jenis : Mix Breed, Betina
Usia : 2 bulan
Harga : IDR 1.100.000
Kelengkapan : Stanbum, Vaksin, Obat cacing rutin.


Jenis : Dogo Argentino, Betina
Usia : hampir 2 bulan (DOB 17 April 2010)
Harga : IDR 3.100.000
Kelengkapan : Non stanbum, Vaksin, Obat cacing rutin.


Jenis : Beagle, Jantan
Usia : 3 bulan
Harga : IDR 3.500.000
Kelangkapan : Stanbum, Vaksin, Obat cacing rutin.


Jenis : Scottish Terrier, Betina
Usia : 2 bulan
Harga : IDR 4.000.000
Kelengkapan : Stanbum, Vaksin, Obat cacing rutin.


Jenis : Dachshund, Jantan
Usia : 3 bulan (DOB 2 Maret 2010)
Harga : IDR 4.200.000
Kelengkapan : Stanbum (PERKIN), Vaksin, Obat cacing rutin.


Jenis : Miniature Pinscher, Betina
Usia : 4 bulan
Harga : @ IDR 1.900.000
Kelengkapan : Stanbum (PERKIN), Vaksin, Obat cacing rutin.


Spider Paws Costume
Harga : IDR 200.00
Kostum yang sangat unik dan nyaman untuk digunakan.