Thursday, June 24, 2010

about your partner and his/her ideas for YOUR tattoo

i think it is about time to talk about something that bothers me for a while.
it happens sometimes,a couple comes to a consultation appointment that has been set up for ONE client,and i talk to that ONE client about her/his ideas ideas for a tattoo,and all of a sudden for reasons i am totally unaware of,the partner of my client thinks,he/she has any right to talk my client into her/his ideas.or even better,the maybe client just hands my portfolio straight to his/her partner,and tells me about the partners right to decide what the maybe client should get done.

it might work like this in tv-shows about tattooing,but not in real life.

or,to say it in other words:i will not tattoo YOU,if you are not able to make decisions in life that most likely last longer than your relationship.i couldnt care less about what your boyfriend thinks, and it means shit to me if your girlfriend thinks that you should or should not get something done for whatever reasons.there is no reason that you need help to make this decision but on your own,and i promise,i am not trying to convince you to get something done that you dont job is to adjust your idea,maybe help you a little to find the right design for what you have in mind,and be sure,the only two people that are important when it comes to get a tattoo done are you and one else.

thank you.


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