Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dining Room Plans...

Hi you guys!
I´m back and I need some help from you, All of you:)!

So, I have parts of my living room put togheter. The sofa is bought and I did make a decision to keep the striped rug. The vintage bamboo chairs, my few years back 'Boomerang ellipse coffee table with glass top' from Conran will stay and we´ll probably get this down below TV- bench as well (or should I just keep the one we have

Since my living room and dining room area goes next to each other with a large vault in between I have slowly started to make plans for the dining room area as well.
I´ve been looking at all these dining room tables and dining room inspiration intensively the past weeks but still feel totally confused and lost in all of this.
Then I thought, what could be a better idea than to ask you guys for some advice!?

All I know at this point is that my black cabinet will be a part of the dining room furnishing. I also have this stone wall and a white Barcelona chair standing in this area. That´s it!
What kind of dining room table and chairs would you recommend that´ll match the other side of the room, the living room area as well?
I love the idea of having 2 larger chairs, like these wingback chairs down below on the sides.

Mon from Splendid Willow did a really inspiring posting on this theme, click here to go for a visit! I was immediately hooked on this idea!
My dining room is quite small though, so I´m not sure this will work in my home. I guess it´ll depend on the size of the table...
Today we have a dining room table that holds 1oo cm x 200 cm and that is maximum for this space. Unfortunately this piece of furniture does not match my new look so...I really need to find a new one!

This above look I liked a lot. I don´t think I would be able to find chairs like that though...
I ´ve also been looking at some industrial ones, like this down below.
I´m lucky to have a spouse whom is very talented when it comes to making things out of steel material. So I could have a table like this done, but I have to feel certain this is the look I´m going for cause it would have to stay for a really looong time:)!

And what kind of chairs to this one? I would not have a clue!

Will you help me out please and give me some great advice!?
I would appreciate it more than you could imagine and I feel so grateful for having this great opportunity to ask such talanted people as yourself!
It is a true privilige and I just know it´ll come a great solution out of this!

Please do not feel limited by these tables I have put out as alternatives, I would love to have some new advices as well!

Also,which one of the TV- benches would you choose- the one we have (image above), or the black one in the beginning of this post?

Thank you!


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