Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award...

This post will be all about the Award I received the other day from sweet Danielle over at Fresh Quince.
Thank you so much Danielle in nominating 'Komma hem...' for this 'Stylish Blogger Award', I feel happy, honored and proud!

As part of the award I now will share 7 things you may not know about me!
This was much harder than expected...but I´ll do my very best to come up with some I hope 'interesting facts' about me.

For many years I struggled with low self esteem. During this time I was everything but kind to myself. Today, I have turned this around and I am totally being my own best friend, takes good care of myself and feel totally worthy of all the good things life has to offer!

I do not like the colour Purple(except from when it is a very, very, very light one)!

I love animals more than I love humans probably. This means my spouse comes second place(sorry Love!). My 2 cats, both girls are the love of my life and their well being are always put first no matter what!
The black beauty to the left is Peach and the cute little tiger to the right is Precious.

Since 2001 I have a godchild in Africa. His name is Karim and he lives in one of the SOS children´s villages. Every month I donate a small amount of money to Karim.
When I first became Karim´s Godmother he was only a little baby, this year he turns 13!
He is such a beautiful boy and some day my hopes are to meet him in real life!

I have also adopted(with others) an orangutan named Kesi whom now is a part of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation(BSO).
Kesi was found only a few moths old, abandoned after her mother had been killed by poachers. She had one of her hands cut off and for some reason been left alone in that state. It still breaks my heart to tell her story. The good news though is that Kesi is doing very well today and she has with only one arm learned to climb in trees just like her orangutan friends.

Down below is a photo of Kesi.

A couple of years ago I had this huge raindrop mirror shipped from the United States to Sweden. This mirror was going to be put in the living room. Finally here it turned out to be much more rustic and larger than I could ever have imagined(It did not at all look that way in the room views) and of course it did not at all fit in my living room area. It looked like an enormous spider on my white walls. What was I thinking?
Thank God I found a new place for it in my stairway!

'Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today'
Those words made by Thomas Jefferson have really helped me in life. Today I literally live by them on a daily basis!

With all that said I would like to pass this Fab. Blog Award foward to the following 3:

Happy weekend Friends!


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