Thursday, June 30, 2011

World of the Dead: The Zombie Diaries (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Tiga bulan telah berlalu sejak wabah virus habis 99,9% dari populasi dunia, mengubah korban ke dalam pemakan daging mayat hidup. Di Inggris, sebuah band yang selamat dari tentara dan warga sipil berlindung di sebuah barak militer pedesaan. Hidup di dunia baru sangat sulit dan brutal, tapi harapan muncul ketika sebuah komunikasi tingkat tinggi diterima dari sebuah pangkalan militer di pantai, menceritakan tempat kudus di tempat lain di Eropa ... Tapi sama seperti keselamatan tampaknya dalam jangkauan, basis penderita mengalami kekalahan besar di tangan mayat hidup! Hidup segelintir tentara dan warga sipil sekarang harus membuat jalan mereka ke pantai untuk mengungkap kebenaran di balik pesan. Perjalanan penuh bahaya mereka membawa mereka di seluruh lanskap, sekarang pengkhianat kematian-rusak, di mana mayat hidup yang luas dalam jumlah dan bandit berkeliaran memaksakan akal jahat mereka sendiri hukum dan ketertiban. Berikut ini adalah perjalanan ke dalam neraka dan putus asa pertempuran melawan segala rintangan untuk kelangsungan hidup umat manusia.

English Synopsis :
Three months have passed since a viral outbreak wiped out 99.9% of the world's population, turning its victims into flesh-eating living dead. In the UK, a surviving band of soldiers and civilians have taken refuge at a rural military barracks. Life in this new world is tough and brutal, but hope appears when a high level communication is received from a military base on the coast, telling of sanctuary elsewhere in Europe... But just as salvation appears to be in reach, the base suffers an overwhelming defeat at the hands of the living dead! The surviving handful of troops and civilians must now make their way to the coast to uncover the truth behind the message. Their perilous journey takes them across a now treacherous, death-ravaged landscape, where the living dead are vast in number and wandering bandits impose their own malicious sense of law and order. What follows is a journey into hell and a desperate battle against all odds for the very survival of the human race.
Release Date: October 2011
Genre: Action | Horror
Cast: Philip Brodie, Alix Wilton Regan and Rob Oldfield
Quality: DVDRip


Link Download : [MF]
Part 1 - Part 2

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Link Download : [EU]
Part 1 - Part 2

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Link Download : [FS]
Part 1 - Part 2

Subtitle : [ Not available ]


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