Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Lookout (2007)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Sebuah sekolah mengagumi pemain hoki tinggi dengan masa depan yang cerah bodoh mengambil drive di malam dengan pacarnya dan dua teman lainnya dengan lampu liburnya dengan hasil yang dahsyat. Para mantan atlet yang tersisa dengan cedera otak yang mencegah dia dari mengingat banyak hal untuk waktu yang lama. Untuk kompensasi, dia terus catatan dalam buku catatan kecil untuk membantu dia dalam mengingat apa yang dia lakukan. Dia juga tinggal dengan seorang teman buta yang bantu dia. Jelas, dengan menderita cacat mental, ia tidak mampu untuk memiliki pekerjaan yang bermakna. Jadi dia bekerja sebagai seorang pembersih malam di sebuah bank. Hal ini di sana ia berada di bawah pengawasan dari geng perencanaan untuk merampok bank. Pemimpin berteman dia dan membiarkan dia terlibat dengan seorang wanita muda yang lebih gulungan dia masuk Setelah mereka mendekati dan setelah berputar-putar dia dalam dengan kegagalan sendiri, rencana bank yang terungkap. Bingung ingin melarikan diri namun keberadaannya saat ini, ia awalnya sejalan dengan skema ...

English Synopsis :
An admired high school hockey player with a bright future foolishly takes a drive in the night with his girlfriend and two other friends with his headlights off with devastating results. The former athlete is left with a brain injury that prevents him from remembering many things for extended periods of time. To compensate, he keeps notes in a small notebook to aid him in remembering what he is to do. He also lives with a blind friend who aids him. Obviously, with the mental incapacitation, he is unable to have meaningful work. Thus he works as a night cleaning man in a bank. It is there he comes under the scrutiny of a gang planning to rob the bank. The leader befriends him and gets him involved with a young woman who further reels him in. After they get close and after reeling him in with his own failures, the bank plan unfolds. Confused but wanting to escape his current existence, he initially goes along with the scheme...
Release Date: 30 March 2007
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Cast: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jeff Daniels and Matthew Goode
Quality: BDRip 720p


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Subtitle : [ English - Indo ]

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City of Ember (2008)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Ketika umat manusia akan berakhir, sekelompok ilmuwan memutuskan untuk membuat dan mengisi sebuah kota jauh di bawah tanah. Kota Ember adalah untuk bertahan selama 200 tahun setelah yang penghuninya adalah untuk mengambil instruksi dari kotak yang kuat untuk kembali ke permukaan. Seiring waktu Namun, pesan akan hilang dan kehidupan di Ember dengan cepat memburuk. Catu daya mereka gagal dan makanan sedang dijatah. Ini tersisa untuk dua orang dewasa muda untuk menggali rahasia Ember dan memimpin jalan keluar.

English Synopsis :
When mankind is about to come to an end, a group of scientists decide to create and populate a city deep underground. The city of Ember is to last for 200 years after which its inhabitants are to retrieve from a strong box instructions to return to the surface. Over time however, the message is lost and life in Ember is rapidly deteriorating. Their power supply is failing and food is being rationed. It's left to two young adults to unearth the secret of Ember and to lead the way out.
Release Date: 10 October 2008
Genre: Adventure | Family | Fantasy
Cast: Saoirse Ronan, Toby Jones and Bill Murray
Quality: BDRip 720p


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Subtitle : [ English - Indo ]

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The Tenant (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Seorang pria yang sederhana, Dr Walter Newman, memiliki aspirasi tinggi untuk menyembuhkan penyakit semua melalui manipulasi genetik. Obsesinya dengan misinya menarik dia lebih dalam ke dalam dunia gelap sendiri, mengalihkan perhatiannya dari istrinya Olivia dan dari tanggung jawab untuk pasien di Asylum Edgewood. Perawat dokter loyal, tapi setan, Ms Tinsley, memutuskan untuk mengambil masalah ke tangannya sendiri dan secara rahasia ia melakukan percobaan sendiri. Ketika Dr Newman menyadari apa yang telah dilakukan, makhluk cacat yang menentang alam diciptakan. Bagian manusia, mimpi buruk bagian. Dr Newman tahu apa yang harus ia lakukan, tetapi apakah itu sudah terlambat?

English Synopsis :
A simple man, Dr. Walter Newman, has high aspirations to cure all disease through genetic manipulation. His obsession with his mission draws him deeper into his own dark world, distracting him from his wife Olivia and from his responsibilities to his patients at the Edgewood Asylum. The doctors loyal but diabolical nurse, Ms. Tinsley, decides to take matters into her own hands and in secret she conducts her own experiment. When Dr. Newman realizes what has been done, a deformed creature that defies nature is created. Part human, part nightmare. Dr. Newman knows what he must do, but is it already too late?
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Action | Horror | Thriller
Cast: J. LaRose, Michael Berryman and Bill Cobbs
Quality: DVDRip


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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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Eagle Eye (2008)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Jerry Shaw adalah pemalas ramah dengan saudara-mencapai lebih dari kembar. Setelah kembarnya meninggal dalam suatu kecelakaan, hal-hal aneh terjadi pada Jerry dengan kecepatan yang memusingkan: keberuntungan muncul di rekening banknya, senjata dikirim ke flatnya, dan suara di telepon genggamnya mengatakan kepadanya polisi sedang dalam perjalanan mereka. Jerry mengikuti instruksi suara itu, dan segera dia dan seorang wanita yang tidak pernah bertemu berlomba melalui kota, ke pesawat, dan akhirnya ke Pentagon, dikejar oleh FBI. Dia Rachel Holloman, seorang ibu tunggal, suara telah mengancam kematian anaknya jika dia tidak bekerja sama. Suara itu sepertinya tahu segalanya. Siapa di balik itu, apa yang sedang direncanakan, dan mengapa Jerry dan Rachel?

English Synopsis :
Jerry Shaw is an amiable slacker with an over-achieving twin brother. After his twin dies in an accident, strange things happen to Jerry at a dizzying pace: a fortune shows up in his bank account, weapons are delivered to his flat, and a voice on his cell phone tells him the police are on their way. Jerry follows the voice's instructions, and soon he and a woman he's never met are racing through the city, on to a plane, and eventually to the Pentagon, chased by the FBI. She is Rachel Holloman, a single mom; the voice has threatened her son's death if she doesn't cooperate. The voice seems to know everything. Who is behind it, what is being planned, and why Jerry and Rachel?
Release Date: 15 October 2008 (Indonesia)
Genre: Action | Mystery | Thriller
Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan and Rosario Dawson
Quality: BDRip 720p


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Subtitle : [ English - Indo ]

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Jez Jerzy (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Dalam adaptasi animasi dari seri buku komik satir, bir-swilling pemain skateboard Hedgehog Jerzy harus menghindari dua haus darah neo-Nazi, seorang ilmuwan gila dan Doppelgänger kembung yang terus mengganggu mengejar kehidupan dekaden.

English Synopsis:
In this animated adaptation of the satirical comic book series, beer-swilling skateboarder Hedgehog Jerzy must elude two bloodthirsty neo-Nazis, a mad scientist and a flatulent doppelganger who keep interrupting his pursuit of the decadent life.
Release Date: 11 March 2011
Genre: Animation | Comedy
Cast: Borys Szyc, Maria Peszek and Maciej Malenczuk
Quality: DVDRip


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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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The Veteran (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Seorang prajurit kembali dari perang di Afghanistan menyingkap konspirasi yang melibatkan badan intelijen dan sekelompok pengedar narkoba.

English Synopsis :
A soldier returning from the war in Afghanistan uncovers a conspiracy involving the intelligence services and a gang of drug dealers.
Release Date: 29 April 2011 (UK)
Genre: Action | Thriller
Cast: Toby Kebbell, Brian Cox and Tony Curran
Quality: BluRay 720p


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9 (2009)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Setelah perang apokaliptik antara manusia dan mesin, dunia benar-benar hancur dan tanpa kehidupan manusia. Boneka goni 9 terbangun tanpa suara dan menemukan objek aneh di tengah-tengah puing-puing bahwa ia membawa bersamanya. Sementara berjalan melalui reruntuhan, 9 diserang oleh mesin yang disebut Binatang tapi ia diselamatkan oleh boneka lain yang disebut 2 yang perbaikan suaranya. 2 membawa 9 untuk bertemu komunitas yang tersembunyi, yang dipimpin oleh pengecut 1. Ketika 2 ditangkap oleh mesin, pendatang baru 9 meyakinkan boneka lain untuk pergi dengan dia untuk menyelamatkan 2. Namun, 9 tempat perangkat bahwa ia menemukan dalam slot dan mengaktifkan sebuah mesin yang disebut Otak mematikan. Boneka goni yang dikejar oleh Otak dan meskipun saran dari 1 bahwa mereka harus menyembunyikan, 9 mengorganisir serangan untuk menghancurkan Otak.

English Synopsis :
After an apocalyptic war between human and machines, the world is completely destroyed and without human life. The burlap doll 9 awakes without voice and finds a weird object in the middle of the debris that he brings with him. While walking through the ruins, 9 is attacked by a machine called Beast but he is saved by another doll called 2 that fixes his voice. 2 brings 9 to meet his hidden community, led by the coward 1. When 2 is captured by a machine, the newcomer 9 convinces the other dolls to go with him to rescue 2. However, 9 places the device that he found in a slot and activates a lethal machine called Brain. The burlap dolls are chased by Brain and despite the advices of 1 that they should hide, 9 organizes an attack to destroy Brain.
Release Date: 9 September 2009
Genre: Animation | Action | Adventure
Cast: Elijah Wood, Jennifer Connelly and Crispin Glover
Quality: BDRip 720p


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Subtitle : [ English - Indo ]

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Blood : The Last Vampire (2009)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Pada tahun 1970, empat ratus tahun terampil samurai Saya dikirim ke Sekolah Tinggi Kanto di sebuah pangkalan militer Amerika di Tokyo oleh Dewan, sebuah masyarakat rahasia yang telah memburu vampir selama berabad-abad. Saya memiliki penampilan remaja tetapi adalah makhluk setengah-berkembang biak disiksa dengan jiwa ayah manusia dan kekuasaan dan kebutuhan darah ibu vampir nya. Dia terobsesi untuk menghadapi Onigen setan kuat yang membunuh ayahnya. Di dasar, Saya menghemat Alice McKee, yang merupakan putri Jenderal McKee dan komandan dari dasar, dari serangan vampir beberapa. Ketika Jenderal McKee dibunuh oleh anggota Dewan, Alice berjalan ke hotel tempat Saya diajukan. Mereka bergabung dan pergi ke pedesaan untuk mengejar Onigen.

English Synopsis :
In 1970, the four hundred year-old skilled samurai Saya is sent to the Kanto High School in an American military base in Tokyo by the Council, a secret society that has been hunting vampires for centuries. Saya has the appearance of a teenager but is the tormented half-breed creature with the soul of her human father and the powers and need of blood of her vampire mother. She is obsessed to face the powerful demon Onigen that killed her father. In the base, Saya saves Alice McKee, who is the daughter of General McKee and commander of the base, from the attack of several vampires. When General McKee is killed by a member of the Council, Alice runs to the hotel where Saya is lodged. They join forces and go to the countryside to chase Onigen.
Release Date: 29 May 2009 (Japan)
Genre: Action | Horror | Thriller
Cast: Gianna Jun, Allison Miller and Liam Cunningham
Quality: BDRip 720p


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Subtitle : [ English - Indo ]

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Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Pulau Iwo Jima yang berdiri di antara kekuatan militer Amerika dan pulau-pulau rumah Jepang. Oleh karena itu Angkatan Darat Kekaisaran Jepang putus asa untuk mencegahnya jatuh ke tangan Amerika dan menyediakan titik meluncurkan untuk invasi Jepang. Jenderal Kuribayashi Tadamichi diberikan perintah pasukan di pulau itu dan menetapkan untuk mempersiapkan serangan dalam waktu dekat. Jenderal Kuribayashi, bagaimanapun, tidak mendukung pendekatan tradisional yang kaku yang direkomendasikan oleh bawahannya, dan kebencian dan perlawanan bercokol di antara stafnya. Dalam eselon rendah, seorang prajurit muda, Saigo, seorang tukang roti miskin di kehidupan sipil, berusaha dengan teman-temannya untuk bertahan hidup rezim keras dari tentara Jepang sendiri, sambil mengetahui bahwa alat tenun pertempuran sengit. Ketika invasi Amerika dimulai, baik Kuribayashi dan Saigo menemukan kekuatan, kehormatan, keberanian, dan kengerian luar imajinasi.
.goole translate.

English Synopsis :
The island of Iwo Jima stands between the American military force and the home islands of Japan. Therefore the Imperial Japanese Army is desperate to prevent it from falling into American hands and providing a launching point for an invasion of Japan. General Tadamichi Kuribayashi is given command of the forces on the island and sets out to prepare for the imminent attack. General Kuribayashi, however, does not favor the rigid traditional approach recommended by his subordinates, and resentment and resistance fester among his staff. In the lower echelons, a young soldier, Saigo, a poor baker in civilian life, strives with his friends to survive the harsh regime of the Japanese army itself, all the while knowing that a fierce battle looms. When the American invasion begins, both Kuribayashi and Saigo find strength, honor, courage, and horrors beyond imagination.
Release Date: 12 January 2007
Genre: Drama | History | War
Cast: Ken Watanabe, Kazunari Ninomiya, Tsuyoshi Ihara, Ryo Kase, Shidou Nakamur
Quality: BDRip 720p


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 \x26quot;Whats your favorite anime boy
 anime guys with brown hair
 anime boy with rown hair
 anime boy with brown hair and
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 Black Hair Green anime boy
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The movie is about a boy named Shougo Aoyama who is too timid to duel even after he got a powerful rare card, the legendary Red-Eyes Black Dragon, in his Deck. Yugi tries to bring Shougo's courage out in a duel with Seto Kaiba, who has his eyes on Shougo's rare card.
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Yu-Gi-Oh! (遊☆戯☆王, Yūgiō?, literally "Game King") is a 30-minute film produced by Toei Animation based on the first anime adaptation of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series. It was first shown in theaters on March 6, 1999.
 delectable Johnny Depp.
 Yesterday in chocolate school,
 My Anime Girls/boys ( With 1

Roll Up Sleeves

Hop (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Hop menceritakan kisah komik Fred, pemalas out-of-kerja yang sengaja melukai Kelinci Paskah dan harus membawanya sebagai ia sembuh. Seperti Fred perjuangan dengan tamu rumah terburuk di dunia, keduanya akan mempelajari apa yang diperlukan untuk akhirnya tumbuh.

English Synopsis :
Blending state-of-the-art animation with live action, Hop tells the comic tale of Fred, an out-of-work slacker who accidentally injures the Easter Bunny and must take him in as he recovers. As Fred struggles with the world's worst house guest, both will learn what it takes to finally grow up.
Release Date: 1 April 2011
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Family
Cast: James Marsden, Russell Brand, Kaley Cuoco
Quality: BDRip 720p


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Subtitle : [ English - Indo ]

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There Be Dragons (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Seorang wartawan muda lama ditolak oleh ayahnya kini berusia dan sekarat menemukan dirinya menyelidiki salah satu teman mantan ayahnya, calon untuk kanonisasi. Mengungkap hubungan yang rumit dua pria dari masa kanak-kanak melalui kengerian Perang Saudara Spanyol memperkenalkan sebuah drama yang menarik penuh dengan gairah, cinta pengkhianatan, dan agama. Tindakan dikemas mengatur cerita selama waktu pembunuh dalam sejarah yang akhirnya melayani hadir dengan mengungkapkan pentingnya dan kekuatan abadi pengampunan.

English Synopsis :
A young journalist long ago rejected by his now aged and dying father finds himself investigating one of his father's former friends, a candidate for canonization. Uncovering the two men's complicated relationship from childhood through the horrors of the Spanish Civil War unveils a compelling drama filled with passion, betrayal, love and religion. An action packed story set during a murderous time in history that ultimately serves the present by revealing the importance and timeless power of forgiveness.
Release Date: 25 March 2011
Genre: Biography | Drama
Cast: Charlie Cox, Wes Bentley and Dougray Scott
Quality: DVDRip


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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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Mortal Kombat Logo Pics

Unlike the PSX DVR, PSP and PlayStation 3, the PlayStation Vita does not use the XrossMediaBar interface. Instead it uses a touchscreen-based UI dubbed LiveArea, which includes various social networking features via the PlayStation Network.
 mortal-kombat-logo.jpg image
 Mortal Kombat Logo Scorpion
Software for the PlayStation Vita will be distributed on NVG Cards, a new proprietary flash card format similar to the Nintendo 3DS Game Cards, rather than on Universal Media Discs (UMDs) used by the original PlayStation Portable. Vita game cards will be available in 2 GB and 4 GB sizes. 5-10% of the writeable space will be reserved for save data, patches, etc. Size and outlook of the card itself are very similar to SD Cards, higher-capacity game cards are planned to be made available for future releases. Unlike the PSP, the PlayStation Vita will not support video output or contain a removable battery. PS Vita is equipped with the storage media slot in addition to the new game medium slot, so that users can choose what memory capacity they want depending on their use.
 Mortal Kombat logo listed in
The PlayStation Vita will be released as two different versions: one with 3G support, and a cheaper version without 3G support. The more expensive 3G-version will also come pre-loaded with some special applications that take advantage of 3G's "always-on" capabilities, such as augmented reality software (also available on the WIFI only version). The 3G service will be partnered with AT&T in the US.
 mortal kombat logo vector.
 mortal kombat logo WB Games Is
 The Mortal Kombat Logo
The handheld includes two analog sticks, a 5-inch (130 mm) OLED multi-touch capacitive touchscreen, and supports Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and 3G (the latter is included only in the 3G version of the console). Internally, the Vita features a 4 core ARM Cortex-A9 core processor and a 4 core SGX543MP4+ graphics processing unit, as well as LiveArea as its main user interface, which succeeds the XrossMediaBar.
 Logo Mortal Kombat
The PlayStation Vita (also known as "PSVita") is an upcoming handheld game console under development by Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the successor to the PlayStation Portable as part of the PlayStation family of gaming devices.
 Mortal Kombat mortal kombat
 Kano - The Mortal Kombat Wiki
 Mortal Kombat Logo
Several games have been announced for the device, including Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Hustle Kings, Everybody's Golf Next (Hot Shots Golf Next in North America) as well as new iterations of Killzone, Wipeout 2048, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II, Ridge Racer and Call of Duty. In addition, several third-party studios showcased technology demos of the device by exporting existing assets from their PlayStation 3 counterpart and then rendering them on the device. Some of the games that were demonstrated include Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Yakuza Of the End, and Lost Planet 2. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd was also demonstrated to be running on the device to showcase the device's backwards compatibility with downloadable PlayStation Portable titles, which was also shown to be compatible with the PlayStation Vita's additional analogue stick. Unlike the first PSP, the PlayStation Vita will come with Trophy support for games.

The Sylvian Experiments : Kyôfu (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Rekaman eksperimen pembedahan otak Manchuria, Rusia dan Jepang yang telah ditemukan di ruang bawah tanah sebuah rumah sakit rusak. Keluar dari biru, ada cahaya putih dan ketika mereka melihat ke belakang, mereka melihat bahwa mereka anak Ota Miyuki dan Kaori menatap cahaya. Bertahun-tahun kemudian, Miyuki hilang dari Tama Medical University Hospital dan kakaknya Kaori, pacar Miyuki yang Motojima dan detektif Hirasawa mencari nya. Namun, Miyuki dan remaja Kazochi, Takumi, Hattori dan Rieko telah disampaikan kepada percobaan mengerikan oleh Dr Hattori dan timnya dengan hasil yang tragis.
.google translate.

English Synopsis :
Dr. Hattori and her husband watch footage of brain surgery experiments with Manchurian, Russian and Japanese guinea pigs that had been found in the basement of a wrecked hospital. Out of the blue, there is a white light and when they look back, they see they children Ota Miyuki and Kaori staring at the light. Years later, Miyuki vanishes from the Tama Medical University Hospital and her sister Kaori, Miyuki’s boyfriend Motojima and detective Hirasawa are seeking her. However, Miyuki and the teenagers Kazochi, Takumi, Hattori and Rieko have been submitted to a nightmarish experiment by Dr. Hattori and her team with tragic results.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Horror
Cast: Yôko Chôsokabe, Mina Fujii, Momoko Hatano
Quality: DVDRip


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A Liar and a Broken Girl (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Di sebuah kota kecil, kakak beradik pergi hilang dan ada juga kasus pembunuh berantai yang melibatkan perempuan sebagai korban. Mayu Misono (Aya Omasa) adalah siswa tahun kedua tinggi di kota. Dia disebut "Ma-chang". Ketika Mayu Misono masih muda, dia juga diculik dan dikurung. Sejak saat itu dia telah mengalami trauma dan telah menjadi acuh tak acuh terhadap segala sesuatu di sekelilingnya.

English Synopsis :
In a small rural town, a brother and sister goes missing and there's also a serial killer case involving woman as the victims. Mayu Misono (Aya Omasa) is a sophomore high school student in the town. She is called "Ma-chang". When Mayu Misono was young, she was also kidnapped and locked up. Since that time she has been traumatized and has become indifferent to everything around her.

One day, in front Mayu's mansion, her childhood friend Mii-kun (Shota Sometani), who was kidnapped with Mayu, suddenly appears. Ma-chang hugs Mii-kun. Up until now, she has waited for Mii-kun. Mayu has lived in the mansion alone, until a week ago, when she kidnapped two elementary school aged kids and has kept them locked in her mansion. To hide Mayu’s crime, the four of them will live together in the mansion.

Meanwhile, Detective Kamiyashi (Tomoko Tabata) finds out the kidnapping case may be related to the detention case 10 years ago. Kamiyashi contacts psychiatrist Dr. Sakashita (Kyoka Suzuki), who treated Mayu and Mii-kun. Dr. Sakashita believes that if Mayu is treated she may choose to killer herself. By sealing her cruel past away Mayu is able to have balance in her life. To the devastated Mii-kun, Dr. Sakashita told him that Mayu receives happiness by focusing on Mi-kun’s world. But there is a big lie there.

The detective begins to doubt Mayu as the prime suspect. To protect Mayu, Mii-kun is about to carry out a plan. The truth of what happened 10 years ago becomes slowly revealed. The reason Mi-kun tries to protect Mayu, even puts his life at risk, all connects to an unexpected real criminal.
Release Date: 22 January 2011 (Japan)
Genre: Drama
Cast: Aya Ohmasa, Shôta Sometani and Masaki Miura
Quality: DVDRip


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The Kane: Files Life of Trial (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Ketika putranya Owen jatuh sakit, Kane menemukan satu-satunya pilihan adalah untuk beralih ke Daniel Morgan (William Atherton), gembong lokal dari dunia kriminal. Morgan menawarkan untuk membantu keluarga Kane, tapi double-salib kepadanya. Ketika Morgan mencoba membunuh Kane dengan menggunakan polisi kotor, Jace Olsen (Ethan Embry), Kane lolos dari penjara untuk membalas dendam dan menyelamatkan anaknya. Dengan FBI (William Devane) dan Polisi (Embry) pada ekornya, Kane harus menggunakan semua keterampilan yang mematikan untuk menyelamatkan keluarganya dan dirinya sendiri.

English Synopsis :
Scott Kane (Drew Fuller), a man with a checkered past is trying to live a clean life. When his son Owen falls ill, Kane finds his only option is to turn to Daniel Morgan (William Atherton), the local kingpin of the criminal underworld. Morgan offers to help Kane's family, but double-crosses him. When Morgan tries killing Kane by employing a dirty cop, Jace Olsen (Ethan Embry), Kane escapes from prison to seek his revenge and save his son. With the FBI (William Devane) and Police (Embry) on his tail, Kane must utilize all his deadly skills to save his family and himself.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Action
Cast: Drew Fuller, Ethan Embry and William Devane
Quality: DVDRip


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Nostalgia for the Light (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Dalam Chile Gurun Atacama, astronom rekan jauh ke dalam kosmos dalam mencari jawaban mengenai asal usul kehidupan. Di dekatnya, sekelompok perempuan menyaring pasir mencari bagian-bagian tubuh orang yang dicintai, dibuang begitu saja oleh rezim Pinochet.
English Synopsis :
In Chile's Atacama Desert, astronomers peer deep into the cosmos in search for answers concerning the origins of life. Nearby, a group of women sift through the sand searching for body parts of loved ones, dumped unceremoniously by Pinochet's regime.
Release Date: 17 March 2011
Genre: Documentary | Drama
Cast: Gaspar Calas, Lautaro Núñez and Luís Henríquez
Quality: DVDRip


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Subtitle : [ English Hardsub ]

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Girl Clock! (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Ketika ia berbalik untuk hidup yang panjang teman Margo dan Mikki untuk dukungan, dia menemukan mereka sama diperangi; Margo rajin menjaga pintu untuk sarang baru-baru ini dikosongkan, dan Mikki panik memerangi musuh yang jahat kembar: melorot dan melorot. Secara kolektif, bagaimanapun, anak perempuan akan kekuatan yang harus diperhitungkan, sehingga bersama-sama mereka mengambil kekuatan dari Ibu Alam dengan hasil lucu.

English Synopsis :
Globe-trotting Christine wakes up one ordinary day to find that her biological clock has gone off with a vengeance. But for a commitment-phobe on the wrong side of 40, the road to motherhood is strewn with bedlam, calamity and smoked out eggs. When she turns to her life long friends Margo and Mikki for support, she finds them equally embattled; Margo zealously guarding the door to her recently emptied nest, and Mikki frantically fighting her evil twin foes: Sagging and Drooping. Collectively, however, the girls are a force to be reckoned with, so together they take on the might of Mother Nature with hilarious results.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Veronica Neave, Queenie van de Zandt and Catarina Hebbard
Quality: DVDRip


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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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In Allen's opinion, she couldn't learn fast enough to make a first-rate movie, although she thought Marnie did have some good scenes in it. She took a lot of the responsibility for what is considered a very flawed movie, since Hitchcock loved her script so much so that he did not make as good a movie as he should have. Hitchcock would have made her a director but she told him no. Said Allen: "It seems perfectly clear to me that any project takes a minimum of a year to direct. I like to get things on and over with. . . . Did you ever hear the phrase, 'the lady proposes, the studio disposes'? I didn't make it up. I would never propose myself as a director." Under Hitchcock's mentoring, Allen developed the screenwriting talent she would use the rest of her career. While The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie was still an unproduced script, Alfred Hitchcock read it and offered Allen the script for Marnie (1964). Hitchcock brought Allen out to California to work on the film at Universal Studios in the San Fernando Valley. Allen, who lived close by, would bicycle to work. This upset Hitchcock, who thought it was low-class and insisted that a limousine be sent for her every day, whether she wanted it or not. On days when she tried to walk to the studio, the limousine trailed along behind her. Eventually the couple came back to the city to work. By this time Bob Whitehead had become a good friend and encouraged Allen to write another play. She drew on her married life and wrote The First Wife, a witty script about a suburban working couple. It would later be made into the film Wives and Lovers in 1963, starring Janet Leigh and Van Johnson. When Allen read The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, by Muriel Spark, she instantly saw play potential where no-one else did. After undergoing hypnotherapy to alleviate a year long bout of writer's block, Allen produced a draft of the play in three days. Allen returned to New York and performed on radio and in cabaret, both of which she loathed, and would go through the whole performance wishing to be fired. In the meantime she started writing again, little by little, and sold some of her work to live television programs like the Philco Television Playhouse. When she married Lewis M. Allen in 1955, they moved to the countryside, where Lewis wrote and Allen in her words "didn't want to do anything." She had a baby, and spent two and a half "absolutely wonderful years in the country." In the early 1940s, Allen married "the first grown man who asked me" and lived in the southern California town of Claremont during World War II. It never occurred to her to get into the movie business as she had always considered it to be exotic. Allen became a writer by default, and having always read constantly and being able to write pretty well, she decided to "write her way out" of the marriage and set out to become financially independent of her husband. She always claimed her first husband's big fault was marrying someone too young. Her first work, Spring Riot, was a novel published in 1948 which got mixed reviews. Allen's next effort was a play, which she sent to producer Bob Whitehead. Because he had produced Member of the Wedding, she thought he would like it since her play was also about a child, but the play came back from Whitehead's office rejected. Allen sat on it for a couple of months and sent it back, rightly figuring that some reader had rejected it instead of Whitehead himself. She was correct, and this time Whitehead read the play himself and instantly optioned it. The reader who had initially rejected her play was Lewis Allen whom she would later marry, but due to casting problems her play was never produced on stage. The only child of a department store manager, she would spend every Saturday and Sunday in the movie house, from one o'clock until somebody dragged her out at seven. From that time on movies became very important to her, and Allen knew she wouldn't be staying in West Texas. Allen attended Miss Hockaday's School for Young Ladies in Dallas for a couple of years, but came away with, in her words, as "having had no education to speak of." She skipped college and at eighteen left home to become an actress. In New York, her career lasted "for about twenty-five minutes" Allen says, when she realized that she only liked rehearsals and the first week of performance, and would rather be "out there" where the decisions were being made. Born as Jacqueline Presson in San Angelo, Texas, she was "never particularly fond of her given name", and decided to use her first initial when writing. According to the Dictionary of Literary Biography the more elaborate form, Jay, is the work of a Social Security Clerk. Jay Presson Allen (March 3, 1922, San Angelo, Texas – May 1, 2006, New York City) was an American screenwriter, playwright, stage director, television producer and novelist. Known for her withering wit and sometimes-off-color wisecracks, she was one of the few women making a living as a screenwriter at a time when women were a rarity in the profession. "You write to please yourself," she said, "The only office where there's no superior is the office of the scribe."

Blood On Dance Floor