Sunday, July 31, 2011

Eagle Eye (2008)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Jerry Shaw adalah pemalas ramah dengan saudara-mencapai lebih dari kembar. Setelah kembarnya meninggal dalam suatu kecelakaan, hal-hal aneh terjadi pada Jerry dengan kecepatan yang memusingkan: keberuntungan muncul di rekening banknya, senjata dikirim ke flatnya, dan suara di telepon genggamnya mengatakan kepadanya polisi sedang dalam perjalanan mereka. Jerry mengikuti instruksi suara itu, dan segera dia dan seorang wanita yang tidak pernah bertemu berlomba melalui kota, ke pesawat, dan akhirnya ke Pentagon, dikejar oleh FBI. Dia Rachel Holloman, seorang ibu tunggal, suara telah mengancam kematian anaknya jika dia tidak bekerja sama. Suara itu sepertinya tahu segalanya. Siapa di balik itu, apa yang sedang direncanakan, dan mengapa Jerry dan Rachel?

English Synopsis :
Jerry Shaw is an amiable slacker with an over-achieving twin brother. After his twin dies in an accident, strange things happen to Jerry at a dizzying pace: a fortune shows up in his bank account, weapons are delivered to his flat, and a voice on his cell phone tells him the police are on their way. Jerry follows the voice's instructions, and soon he and a woman he's never met are racing through the city, on to a plane, and eventually to the Pentagon, chased by the FBI. She is Rachel Holloman, a single mom; the voice has threatened her son's death if she doesn't cooperate. The voice seems to know everything. Who is behind it, what is being planned, and why Jerry and Rachel?
Release Date: 15 October 2008 (Indonesia)
Genre: Action | Mystery | Thriller
Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan and Rosario Dawson
Quality: BDRip 720p


Link Download : [MF]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Link Download : [EU]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Link Download : [FS]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Subtitle : [ English - Indo ]

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