Thursday, August 25, 2011

Princess Lover!

Episodes: 12/Complete
Release: 6 July 2009
Genres: Drama • Comedy • Ecchi • Harem
Duration: 25 min. per episode
Type: MKV File
Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Size: 80Mb/Episode

* Episode 12   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 11   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 10   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 9     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 8     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 7     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 6     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 5     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 4     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 3     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 2     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 1     : Mediafire | Enterupload

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mary and Max (2009)

English Synopsis :
In the mid-1970's, a homely, friendless Australian girl of 8 picks a name out of a Manhattan phone book and writes to him; she includes a chocolate bar. She's Mary Dinkle, the only child of an alcoholic mother and a distracted father. He's Max Horowitz, living alone in New York, overweight, subject to anxiety attacks. He writes back, with chocolate. Thus begins a 20-year correspondence, interrupted by a stay in an asylum and a few misunderstandings. Mary falls in love with a neighbor, saves money to have a birthmark removed and deals with loss. Max has a friendship with a neighbor, tries to control his weight, and finally gets the dream job. Will the two ever meet face to face?

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Pada pertengahan tahun 1970-an, seorang sederhana, gadis Australia punya teman dari 8 mengambil nama dari buku telepon Manhattan dan menulis kepadanya, dia termasuk cokelat. Dia Maria Dinkle, anak tunggal dari seorang ibu yang alkoholik dan ayah terganggu. Dia Max Horowitz, tinggal sendirian di New York, kelebihan berat badan, sasaran serangan kecemasan. Dia menulis kembali, dengan cokelat. Jadi mulai korespondensi 20 tahun, terganggu oleh tinggal di rumah sakit jiwa dan kesalahpahaman sedikit. Maria jatuh cinta dengan tetangga, menghemat uang untuk memiliki tanda lahir dihapus dan berhubungan dengan kerugian. Max memiliki persahabatan dengan tetangga, mencoba untuk mengontrol berat badannya, dan akhirnya mendapat pekerjaan impian. Apakah dua pernah bertemu muka dengan muka?
Release Date: 9 April 2009
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Drama
Stars: Toni Collette, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Eric Bana
Quality: BluRay 720p


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Black Cat

Episodes: 24/Complete
Release: 7 October 2005
Genres: Action • Adventure • Sci-fi • Comedy
Duration: 24 min. per episode
Type: MKV File
Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Size: 60mb/Episode
* Episode 24   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 23   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 22   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 21   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 20   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 19   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 18   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 17   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 16   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 15   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 14   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 13   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 12   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 11   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 10   : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 9     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 8     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 7     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 6     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 5     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 4     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 3     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 2     : Mediafire | Enterupload
* Episode 1     : Mediafire | Enterupload

Revolutionary Road (2008)

English Synopsis :
It's 1955. Frank and April Wheeler, in the seventh year of their marriage, have fallen into a life that appears to most as being perfect. They live in the Connecticut suburbs with two young children. Frank commutes to New York City where he works in an office job while April stays at home as a housewife. But they're not happy. April has forgone her dream of becoming an actress, and Frank hates his job - one where he places little effort - although he has never figured out what his passion in life is. One day, April suggests that they move to Paris - a city where Frank visited during the war and loved, but where April has never been - as a means to rejuvenate their life. April's plan: she would be the breadwinner, getting a lucrative secretarial job for one of the major international organizations, while Frank would have free time to find himself and whatever his passion. Initially skeptical...

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Frank dan April Wheeler, pada tahun ketujuh pernikahan mereka, telah jatuh ke dalam kehidupan yang tampaknya paling sebagai sempurna. Mereka tinggal di pinggiran kota Connecticut dengan dua anak muda. Frank bolak-balik ke New York City di mana dia bekerja pekerjaan di kantor, sementara bulan April tinggal di rumah sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Tapi mereka tidak senang. April telah dikorbankan mimpinya menjadi aktris, dan Frank membenci pekerjaannya - salah satu tempat di mana ia sedikit usaha - meskipun ia tidak pernah tahu apa gairah dalam hidup adalah. Suatu hari, April menunjukkan bahwa mereka pindah ke Paris - sebuah kota di mana Frank mengunjungi selama perang dan dicintai, tetapi di mana April telah pernah - sebagai sarana untuk meremajakan hidup mereka. Rencana April: dia akan pencari nafkah, mendapatkan pekerjaan kesekretariatan menguntungkan bagi salah satu organisasi internasional besar, sementara Frank akan punya waktu bebas untuk menemukan dirinya dan apa pun gairahnya. Awalnya skeptis ...
Release Date: 23 January 2009
Genre: Drama | Romance
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet and Christopher Fitzgerald
Quality: BluRay 720p


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Shaun Of The Dead (2004)

English Synopsis :
Shaun doesn't have a very good day, so he decides to turn his life around by getting his ex to take him back, but he times it for right in the middle of what may be a zombie apocalypse... But for him, it's an opportunity to show everyone he knows how useful he is by saving them all. All he has to do is survive... And get his ex back.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Shaun tidak memiliki hari yang sangat baik, sehingga ia memutuskan untuk mengubah hidupnya dengan mendapatkan mantan untuk membawanya kembali, tapi dia kali itu untuk tepat di tengah-tengah apa yang mungkin menjadi zombie kiamat ... Tapi baginya, ini merupakan kesempatan untuk menunjukkan kepada semua orang dia tahu betapa berguna ia dengan menyelamatkan mereka semua. Semua ia lakukan adalah bertahan hidup ... Dan mendapatkan kembali mantan.
Release Date: 24 September 2004
Genre: Comedy | Horror
Cast: Simon Pegg, Kate Ashfield, Nick Frost
Quality: BluRay 720p


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I Want to Be a Soldier (2010)

English Synopsis :
I Want To Be A Soldier" is the story of Alex, an average eight year old kid who seems to grow a morbid fascination for images portraying violence. He begins to develop a communication problem with his parents and other kids at school, and closes in on himself, inventing two imaginary friends..

Indonesia Sinopsis :
kisah Alex, delapan rata-rata tahun anak tua yang tampaknya tumbuh daya tarik wajar untuk gambar menggambarkan kekerasan Dia mulai mengembangkan masalah komunikasi dengan orang tua dan anak-anak lain di sekolah,. Dan menutup dalam pada dirinya sendiri, menemukan dua teman khayalan.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Drama
Stars: Cameron Antrobus, Josephine Barnes and Robert Englund
Quality: BluRay 720p


Password : juraganlink
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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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Blood Ties (2009)

English Synopsis :
Many people believe when a person dies, his soul returns on the 7th night. After Shun was brutally murdered, his spirit returned to possess his 13 year old sister to exact his revenge. On the 7th night, blood will flow and just deserts will be served.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Banyak orang percaya ketika seseorang meninggal, jiwanya kembali pada malam 7. Setelah Shun dibunuh secara brutal, rohnya kembali memiliki 13 tahun adiknya tua untuk membalaskan dendamnya. Pada malam 7, darah akan mengalir dan hanya gurun akan dilayani.
aka Hun Hun
Release Date: 10 September 2009 (Singapore)
Genre: Horror
Stars: Pei-pei Cheng, David Leong and Joey Leong
Quality: BluRay 720p


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I Will Follow (2011)

English Synopsis :
Chronicles a day in the life of a grieving woman, and the twelve visitors who help her move forward.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Sebuah Cerita Dimana Seorang wanita yang sedang berduka, kedatangan 12 orang yang membantunya untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Release Date: 11 March 2011
Genre: Drama
Stars: Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Tracie Thoms and Omari Hardwick
Quality: DVDRip


Password : juraganlink
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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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Fright Night (2011)

English Synopsis :
A remake of the 1985 original, teenager Charley Brewster (Yelchin) guesses that his new neighbor Jerry Dandrige (Farrell) is a vampire responsible for a string of recent deaths. When no one he knows believes him, he enlists Peter Vincent (Tennant), a self proclaimed vampire killer and Las Vegas magician, to help him take down Jerry.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Charley Brewster (Yelchin) menebak bahwa tetangganya yang baru Jerry Dandrige (Farrell) adalah vampir yang bertanggung jawab atas serangkaian kematian terakhir. Ketika tidak ada yang percaya dia tahu, dia enlists Petrus Vincent (Tennant), pembunuh vampir memproklamirkan diri dan Las Vegas penyihir, untuk membantu dia menurunkan Jerry.
Release Date: 19 August 2011
Genre: Comedy | Horror
Stars: Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell and David Tennant
Quality: TS


Password : juraganlink
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Our Day Will Come (2010)

English Synopsis :
Redheaded teen Rémy (Olivier Barthélémy) is bullied by his soccer teammates and drawn into fights with his younger sister and mother in their cramped apartment. After a flare-up of domestic violence, he flees home and is tracked down by a bitter guidance counsellor, Patrick (Vincent Cassel), also a redhead. Patrick looks upon Rémy’s sullen insolence with both sympathy and disdain and decides to toughen him up. The two redheads realize that they are out of place in twenty-first century France. They have no country, no people and no army. Together they plot to take on the world in a hallucinatory quest for a land of imagined freedom.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Remaja berambut merah Remy (Olivier Barthélémy) yang diganggu oleh rekan sepakbola dan ditarik ke dalam perkelahian dengan adiknya dan ibunya di apartemen mereka yang sempit. Setelah sampai suar-kekerasan domestik, ia lari rumah dan melacak dengan bimbingan konselor pahit, Patrick (Vincent Cassel), juga berambut merah. Patrick memandang keangkuhan cemberut Remy dengan kedua simpati dan penghinaan dan memutuskan untuk menguatkan dia. Dua berambut merah menyadari bahwa mereka keluar dari tempat di abad kedua puluh satu Perancis. Mereka tidak ada negara, tidak ada orang dan tentara tidak ada. Bersama-sama mereka merencanakan untuk mengambil dunia dalam pencarian halusinasi untuk tanah kebebasan dibayangkan.
aka Notre jour viendra
Release Date: 15 September 2010 (France)
Genre: Drama
Stars: Vincent Cassel, Olivier Barthelemy and Justine Lerooy
Quality: DVDRip


Password : juraganlink
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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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Buy New Dog Costume Smoking Jacket Size: Large for $20.95

Buy Cheap Dog Costume Smoking Jacket Size: Large

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Dog Costume Smoking Jacket Size: Large

Dog Costume Smoking Jacket Size: Large

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Dog Costume Smoking Jacket Size: Large

Dog Costume Smoking Jacket Size: Large

Dog Costume Smoking Jacket Size: Large Feature

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Every dog will look like a stud wearing this Casual Canine Party Hounds Smoking Jacket Costume. Bold, handsome and totally unique, this costume is sure to give dogs a look everyone will be talking about.This pullover style costume features a plush pipe toy to complete the look. Made from low pile plush and with a high-cut, stay-dry belly, this costume is a must have for Halloween.

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Hunk of the Day



Click here to check out my follow up post on this one, over at my other blog 'IKEA- A Way of Living'!



Yosuga no Sora

Episodes: 12/Complete
Release: 4 October 2010
Genres: Romance • Drama • Harem
Duration: 25 min. per episode
Type: MKV File
Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Size: 60Mb/Episode

* Episode 12   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 11   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 10   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 9     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 8     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 7     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 6     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 5     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 4     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 3     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 2     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 1     : Mediafire | Enterupload

Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Kapten Jack Sparrow (Depp) memotong jalan dengan seorang wanita dari masa lalunya (Cruz), dan dia tidak yakin apakah itu cinta - atau jika dia seorang seniman con kejam siapa yang menggunakan dia untuk menemukan dongeng Fountain of Youth. Ketika ia memaksa dia kapal Pembalasan Ratu Anne, kapal dari bajak laut Blackbeard tangguh (McShane), Jack menemukan dirinya pada sebuah petualangan tak terduga di mana dia tidak tahu siapa yang harus lebih takut: Blackbeard atau wanita dari masa lalunya.

English Sinopsis :
Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp) crosses paths with a woman from his past (Cruz), and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.
Release Date: 20 May 2011
Genre: Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Cast: Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Ian McShane
Quality: BluRay 720p


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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Conan the Barbarian (2011)

English Synopsis :
A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Sebuah pencarian yang dimulai sebagai balas dendam pribadi untuk prajurit kelam sengit segera akan berubah menjadi pertempuran epik melawan saingan raksasa, monster mengerikan, dan kemungkinan tidak mungkin, karena Conan menyadari ia adalah satu-satunya harapan untuk menyelamatkan bangsa besar Hyboria dari pemerintahan melanggar dari supranatural yang jahat.
Release Date: 19 August 2011
Genre: Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Cast: Jason Momoa, Ron Perlman and Rose McGowan
Quality: TS


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Wreckage (2010)

English Synopsis :
“Beware. The spare parts may be your own” Jared, kate, Rick, and Jessica find themselves stranded in a wreckage yard after their car breaks down during a drag race. Meanwhile, the sheriff’s office receives notice that a convict escaped from a local state prison. As the teenagers mysteriously disappear one by one, the kill

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Rick, dan Jessica menemukan diri mereka terdampar di sebuah halaman reruntuhan setelah mobil mereka rusak selama drag race. Sementara itu, kantor sheriff menerima pemberitahuan bahwa narapidana melarikan diri dari penjara negara setempat. Sebagai remaja misterius menghilang satu per satu, membunuh.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Horror | Thriller
Stars: Aaron Paul, Justin Allen and Mike Erwin
Quality: DVDRip


Password : juraganlink
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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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Initial D: 2nd Stage

Episodes: 13/Complete
Release: 14 October 1999
Genres: Sport • Cars • Drama
Duration: 23 min. per episode
Type: MKV File
Audio: Japanese + English
Subtitle: English
Size: 65Mb/Episode

* Episode 13   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 12   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 11   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 10   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 9     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 8     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 7     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 6     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 5     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 4     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 3     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 2     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 1     : Mediafire | Enterupload

How to change audio :
Media Player Classic = Right Klik 0n Screen > Navigate > Audio >
Gom Player = Right Klik on Screen > Audio > Select Stream >

Initial D: 1st Stage

Episodes: 26/Complete
Release: 19 April 1997
Genres: Sport • Cars • Drama
Duration: 25 min. per episode
Type: MKV File
Audio: Japanese + English
Subtitle: English
Size: 70 Mb/Episode
* Episode 26   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 25   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 24   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 23   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 22   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 21   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 20   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 19   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 18   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 17   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 16   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 15   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 14   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 13   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 12   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 11   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 10   : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 9     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 8     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 7     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 6     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 5     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 4     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 3     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 2     : Mediafire | Enterupload

* Episode 1     : Mediafire | Enterupload

How to change audio :
Media Player Classic = Right Klik 0n Screen > Navigate > Audio >
Gom Player = Right Klik on Screen > Audio > Select Stream >

The Sword with No Name (2009)

English Synopsis :
A Joseon dynasty bounty hunter becomes the body guard of the queen he secretly loves.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Film ini berkisah tentang jalinan asmara terlarang antara sang ratu dengan seorang prajurit Mu-Myeong yang diperankan oleh Jo Seung-Woo. Empress Myeongseong dari dinasti Joseon terkenal dengan pemikirannya yang modern, tapi pemikirannya ini selalu bertolak belakang dengan mertuanya yang cenderung masih kolot yaitu Bupati Daewon-Gun ( Cheon Ho-Jin). Walaupun film ini berlatar belakang cerita sejarah, namun unsur-unsur fiksinya cukup bisa menyeimbangkan.
Release Date: 24 September 2009 (South Korea)
Genre: Action | Drama
Stars: Jae-jin Baek, Seung-woo Cho and Jae-woong Choi
Quality: BluRay 720p


Password : juraganlink
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The Lost Tribe (2010)

English Synopsis :
While on their way to Asia to close a business deal, five friends (Anna, Tom, Joe, Alexis, and Chris) rescue a man that's been left to drift at sea. Injured and in shock, the stranger overrides the yacht's autopilot and attempts to change the vessel's course, but instead wrecks the boat on a rock and the vessel sinks. The castaways wash ashore on the beach of an uncharted island and attempt to contact the Coast Guard over the yacht's radio. Before the Coast Guard can arrive, the body of the stranger vanishes from the grave the other survivors had laid him to rest in. Needing some time to himself, Tom wanders into the jungle and is attacked by an unseen assailant. During the attempt to find Tom the next day Alexis is killed by the jungle's inhabitants and Chris is taken. Joe and Anna discover a nefarious plot by the Vatican to cover up a research team's discoveries on the island before Joe is killed be an assassin sent by the church...

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Sementara dalam perjalanan mereka ke Asia untuk menutup kesepakatan bisnis, lima teman (Anna, Tom, Joe, Alexis, dan Chris) penyelamatan seorang pria yang ditinggalkan melayang di laut. Terluka dan shock, orang asing mengesampingkan yacht autopilot dan upaya untuk mengubah arah kapal, melainkan bangkai kapal perahu pada batu dan tenggelam kapal. Para terdampar tersapu di pantai sebuah pulau yang belum dipetakan dan berusaha untuk menghubungi Coast Guard melalui radio yacht. Sebelum Coast Guard dapat tiba, tubuh orang asing itu hilang dari kuburan korban lainnya telah membaringkannya untuk beristirahat masuk Membutuhkan beberapa waktu untuk dirinya sendiri, Tom mengembara ke dalam hutan dan diserang oleh penyerang yang tak terlihat. Selama upaya untuk menemukan Tom hari berikutnya Alexis dibunuh oleh penduduk hutan dan Chris diambil. Joe dan Anna menemukan plot jahat oleh Vatikan untuk menutupi penemuan sebuah tim peneliti di pulau itu sebelum Joe terbunuh menjadi pembunuh yang dikirim oleh gereja ...
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Adventure | Horror | Thriller
Stasrs: Emily Foxler, Nick Mennell and Marc Bacher
Quality: DVDRip


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Seven Swords (2005)

English Synopsis :
In the early 1600's, the Manchurians have taken over sovereignty of China and established the Ching Dynasty. While many nationalist revolts still brew within the martial artists' community, the newly set-up government immediately imposes a Martial Arts Ban, forbidding the practice of martial arts altogether in order to gain control and order. Wind Fire (Sun Hong-Lei), a surrendered military official from the previous dynasty, sees this as an opportunity to make a fortune for himself by helping to execute the new law. Greedy, cruel, and immoral, Wind Fire ravages the North-western China, and his next goal is to attack the final frontier, Martial Village. Fu Qingzhu, a retired executioner from the previous dynasty, feels the need to put a stop to this brutality and sets out to save Bowei Fortress. He brings Wu Yuanyin and Han Zhiban from the village with him to Mount Heaven to seek help from Master Shadow-Glow.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Pada 1600-an, Manchurians telah mengambil alih kedaulatan Tiongkok dan mendirikan Dinasti Ching. Sementara pemberontakan nasionalis masih banyak minuman dalam komunitas seniman bela diri ', pemerintah yang baru set-up segera memberlakukan larangan Seni Bela Diri, melarang praktek seni bela diri sama sekali dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan kontrol dan ketertiban. Angin Api (Sun Hong Lei-), seorang pejabat militer menyerah dari dinasti sebelumnya, melihat ini sebagai kesempatan untuk membuat uang untuk dirinya sendiri dengan membantu untuk melaksanakan undang-undang baru. Serakah, kejam, dan tidak bermoral, kerusakan Api Angin Utara-barat Cina, dan tujuan berikutnya adalah untuk menyerang perbatasan akhir, Desa Bela Diri. Fu Qingzhu, seorang algojo pensiun dari dinasti sebelumnya, merasa perlu untuk menghentikan kebrutalan ini dan menetapkan untuk menyelamatkan Bowei Benteng. Ia membawa Wu Yuanyin dan Han Zhiban dari desa dengan dia ke Gunung Surga untuk mencari bantuan dari Guru Shadow-Cahaya.
aka Qi jian
Release Date: 29 July 2005 (China)
Genre: Action | Fantasy
Stars: Donnie Yen, Leon Lai and Charlie Yeung
Quality: BluRay 720p


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Keitai Deka 3: The Movie (2011)

English Synopsis :
Kai (Aya Omasa), Mei (Azusa Okamoto) and Yui (Anri Okamoto) are high school students. The three girls are also detectives and they solve cases using their reasoning abilities. It’s also a secret that these girls are detectives.

One day, the three high school girls receive a call from Kazuhiro Nanba of the Metropolitan Police Department Kazuhiro Nanba. A letter was received in which the writer threatened to kill the popular idol group Morning Mutsume. Kai, Mei and Yui go to the Morning Mutsume concert to guard them. After the concert, Mei is with members of Morning Mutsume on the tour bus, but Mei suddenly disappears

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Kai (Aya Omasa), Mei (Azusa Okamoto) dan Yui (Anri Okamoto) adalah mahasiswa sekolah tinggi. Ketiga gadis juga detektif dan mereka memecahkan kasus menggunakan kemampuan penalaran mereka. Ini juga merupakan rahasia yang gadis-gadis ini detektif.

Suatu hari, tiga gadis SMA menerima panggilan dari Kazuhiro Nanba dari Kepolisian Metropolitan Kazuhiro Nanba. Sebuah surat diterima di mana penulis mengancam untuk membunuh grup idola Mutsume Pagi populer. Kai, Mei dan Yui pergi ke konser Mutsume Pagi untuk menjaga mereka. Setelah konser, Mei adalah dengan anggota Mutsume Pagi di bis wisata, tapi Mei tiba-tiba menghilang.
Release Date: 21 August 2010 (Japan)
Genre: Comedy | Crime
Stars: Aya Omasa, Azusa Okamoto, Anri Okamoto
Quality: DVDRip


Passwword : juraganlink
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Subtitle : [ Not availabale ]

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Hanamizuki (2010)

English Synopsis :
Sae (Yui Aragaki) is a high school student who is studying hard for her college entrance exams. She lost her father when she was very young and so lives her mother Ryoko (Hiroko Yakushimaru) in Hokkaido, Japan. Her father Kemimichi (Arata) once planted a dogwood tree in their garden after he found out he had a terminal disease and could not watch Sae grow up. She hopes to enter a university in Tokyo.

She then meets Kouhei (Toma Ikuta), who attends a specialized high school teaching fishery. He hopes to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather as a fisherman. These two young people meet and have a long distance relationship. Although their love is strong it does not last. 10 years later these two people have a miracle

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Sae (Yui Aragaki) adalah seorang siswa SMA yang belajar keras untuk ujian masuk perguruan tinggi itu. Dia kehilangan ayahnya ketika ia masih sangat muda dan hidup ibunya Ryoko (Hiroko Yakushimaru) di Hokkaido, Jepang. Ayahnya Kemimichi (Arata) sekali menanam pohon dogwood di kebun mereka setelah ia menemukan ia memiliki penyakit terminal dan tidak bisa menonton Sae tumbuh. Dia berharap untuk masuk sebuah universitas di Tokyo.

Dia kemudian bertemu Kouhei (Ikuta Toma), yang menghadiri perikanan sekolah tinggi khusus mengajar. Ia berharap untuk mengikuti jejak ayah dan kakeknya sebagai nelayan. Kedua orang muda bertemu dan memiliki hubungan jarak jauh. Meskipun cinta mereka kuat itu tidak berlangsung. 10 tahun kemudian dua orang memiliki sebuah keajaiban.
Release Date: 21 August 2010 (Japan)
Genre: Drama
Cast: Yui Aragaki, Tôma Ikuta, Arata
Quality: BluRay 720p


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Miss Nobody (2010)

English Synopsis :
A mild-mannered secretary discovers that she has a talent for murder as she ascends the corporate ladder.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Seorang sekretaris berwatak halus menemukan bahwa dia memiliki bakat untuk pembunuhan untuk membuatnya naik pangkat dalam perusahaan.
Release Date: 21 July 2011
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Leslie Bibb, Adam Goldberg and Kathy Baker
Quality: BluRay 720p


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