Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Assault (2010)

English Synopsis :
Saturday, December 24 1994.Quatre GIA terrorists take hostages in Algiers Airbus A-300 Air France between the Algerian capital to Paris and 227 people on board. Nobody knows their intentions: they are armed and appear extremely déterminés.Les terrorists demand the release of their comrades in arms and demand the immediate departure of the aircraft. But it is finally after long diplomatic negotiations stretched between the French and Algerian and execution of three passengers that the plane leaves the airport in Algiers. We Monday, December 26, it’s 3:33 morning, when the Air France Airbus landed at Marseille-Marignane.Trois characters, Thierry, a soldier of the GIGN, Carole Jeanton, an ambitious technocrat Yahia Abdallah, a jihadist are determined in the heart of the event. Their logical outcome will compete to final.Devant 21 million viewers, the GIGN storm will put an end to the hostage taking unprecedented in the history of terrorism …

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Quatre GIA mengambil sandera teroris di Aljazair Airbus A-300 Air Prancis antara ibukota Aljazair ke Paris dan 227 orang di dalamnya. Tidak ada yang tahu niat mereka: mereka bersenjata dan tampak sangat déterminés.Les teroris menuntut pembebasan rekan-rekan mereka di lengan dan permintaan keberangkatan segera pesawat. Tapi akhirnya setelah negosiasi diplomatik yang panjang membentang antara Perancis dan Aljazair eksekusi dan tiga penumpang bahwa pesawat meninggalkan bandara di Aljir. Kami Senin, 26 Desember, 03:33 pagi itu, ketika Air Perancis Airbus mendarat di Marseille-Marignane.Trois karakter, Thierry, seorang prajurit GlGN tersebut, Carole Jeanton, seorang teknokrat yang ambisius Yahia Abdallah, jihad yang ditentukan dalam hati acara. Hasil logis mereka akan bersaing untuk final.Devant 21 juta pemirsa, badai GlGN akan mengakhiri sandera mengambil belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dalam sejarah terorisme ...
aka L'assaut
Release Date: 9 March 2011 (France)
Genre: Action | Thriller
Cast: Vincent Elbaz, Grégori Derangère and Mélanie Bernier
Quality: BluRay 720p


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