Thursday, August 18, 2011

Paranormal Psychic Noroi (2011)

English Synopsis :
Ghost documentary "Paranormal Psychic" sequel. Staff meetings are held again to cover the house psychic phenomena occurred, all parties will flinch. In response to that new staff, but will resume contact with cast interviews, Strange phenomena happen again wound around them. (Google Translate)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Rapat staf diadakan lagi untuk menutup rumah fenomena psikis terjadi, semua pihak akan bergeming. Menanggapi bahwa staf baru, tapi akan melanjutkan kontak dengan wawancara cor, fenomena aneh terjadi lagi luka di sekitar mereka.
aka Paranormal Psychic Curse
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Mystery | Horror | Thriller
Stars: -
Quality: DVDRip


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