Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let´s Kickstart 2011...

Are you ready for a brand new year, with brand new chances, goals and opportunities?

I am!

I want to be healthier, wealthier, more successfull, have less stress in my life, more fun. I also want to find balance, more energy, get things done, a peaceful home, more wisdom. I want to feel a deep down delightness.
Well, you get what I mean, I simply want things to improve and feel even better this year.
And as I wrote down in my previous post: We all have things in our life we wish could be different. Some more difficult and tougher than others.
Still, let´s do our best to ease some of our resistance
on what is, let´s find acceptance and let´s make the best we can out of our lives!

I do not believe in making major changes in life(been there, done that, MANY times before). I now belive in small, small changes carefully introduced in our daily lives.
Down below you´ll find my personal Kickstart for 2011.
With hopes to inspire!

Laugh more
Laughs instantly make us humans feel better. Let´s kickstart 2011 with a bunch of feel good movies!
OMG, you have to trust me on this one! I´ve had so many good laughs watching this movie down below! I love Meryl Streep and Baldwin I have to say, is really doing a great comeback in It´s Complicated!


I´ve been trying hard to be a healthier person the last 10 years(!) but can´t say I´ve succeeded if you look at it in a long term.
My biggest issue is my addiction to sweets. I always feel not so good afterwards but still can´t stay away from it. From all of the sugar I´ve also gained some weight and in this moment I can´t say I feel satisfied with how I look, so...
This year I am going for the GI- method. I´ve heard this is a brilliant way to both get rid of your sugar addiction and to loose some extra weight. GI- diets recommend we avoid refined carb foods like white-flour-bread and snacks, processed cereals and sugary soft drinks, instant rice/pasta and cookies. Instead we should eat unrefined carbs such as whole grains like oats, basmati or brown rice, whole grain bread and so on.
Sounds healthy enough to me!


As a Christmas gift from my mom and stepdad I received a 'bed of nails' and I have to say I absolutely love it. I feel so much more balanced after only 20 minutes on it. It releases a lot of tension and stress and leave you with a sense of euphoria.
My new routine for 2011 will be to lay down on my bed of nails every morning for 20 minutes before breakfast.

Fresh air

I´ve realized that fresh air is important for my well-being. This time of year you´ll find me cozying up inside most of the time. But I have realized(during my lazy days off work) that a walk outside despite weather is getting me so much more energized, calm and refreshed.

Cleaning up the mess

I have said it many times before. We live in an old house built in 1936. The renovation on the house has rocked my world and I´m just not that organzied as I used to be anymore. Since my disorganized home makes me feel out of balance I have to deal with the mess. I have some areas that need some work so that´s what I´m going for. One step at the time...

Making plans

Somewhere I read or heard that each and every one of us should make a 10-year plan for ourselves.
Years goes by and if we don´t have a plan life might just pass us by...
What a great idea!

Less technology

Sometimes I feel so disconneted with myself and life in general, in the 21th century I think we all do sometimes! There is simply too much technology going on: TV, computers, cellphones, e-mails...
Let´s get bored for a little while and see what happens!
I absolutely loved Peter Walsh´s 'Stripped down family challange' at the Oprah show. Read more here.

Spend more time with friends and family

What could be more important?
Again, the renovation on the house has really taken all of our free time. In 2011 me and spouse are making smaller plans and hopefully this will enable us to spend more quality time toghether with friends and family.


In 2011 my hopes are to develope my little company of my own-Tinas Home Service. I´m not sure in what direction I am going just yet, but I´m working on it.
I also hope my blog will develope and be more of an inspiration for others out there!


I´ve learned a lot in 2010 about life and people. It has been good experiences and it has been not so good experiences. In 2011 I´ve decided to really learn from my mistakes in life. This takes a lot of afterthoughts, but once done one will not very likely make the same mistakes again. Instead one (me/you) most likely will know things and situations, cause we´ve been there before and this time act in a different way. And that is what I call wisdom!

Happy new start everyone!


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