Monday, January 24, 2011

A Spiritual Journey...

A few years ago, after some difficulties in life, I began to discover something new and exciting. It was the spiritual part of me breaking through and I slowly began to walk on what I would like to call 'A spiritual path'.
Believe it or not, it all started with the movie 'The Secret'. My guess is that most of you either have seen it, read it och at least heard of it!?
I was swept away and felt so inspired. Deep down inside I instantly knew this was how it all was put together, this was the answer to almost everything, this was how Universe was designed for Us to be.

Actually that trailer still gives me goose bumps all over my body, I can feel some really great power and positive energy coming right through me.
Soon I realized though, it was not really that simple as the movie has shown me or the book was trying to teach me. I had a lot to learn about being spiritual(a part of me I had absolutely no contact with so far) and some major changes really had to take place.
Yet, this particular film opened up a new world to me and I have by now discovered so many authors and spiritual leaders, books, movies, stories and blogs I would never have heard of otherwise and that is something I´m really grateful for!

House To Home

In my bookshelves today you´ll find not only books about interior design and architecture-my passions in life, but also lots and lots of books about spirituality, all in different ways. There is so much wisdom and things to be learned in these books and by these authors(Neale Donald Walsh, Ester & Jerry Hicks, Eckhart Tolle, Louise Hay, Gary Zukav, Matthew Kelly, Brandon Bays, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Bob Proctor, to mention a few) . I constantly seem to go back and read them over and over again, cause still I have not done changes enough to use this 'Secret'. I´m still learning, every day, doing small progress in some areas, throwbacks in others.

This spiritual journey has also opened my eye for other things like yoga and other deep relaxation techniques(you all know about my bed of nails). Nowdays I´m also only getting my hair done at naturally organic hair saloons and I´m trying my very best to at least this year, be more healthier when it comes to what I´m eating. Because of this I also most certainly have a new passion for oriental elements as a part of a home interior design.
Spiritualism undeniable seems to affect all parts in life and for me there´s yet so much more to discover, I´m only at the very beginning of this.

If you feel yourself being on a spiritual path or only feeling a bit curious, I highly recommend you go visit down below blog, Zen Habits.
It was the so talanted girl over at 'Design Elements' (click here to check her blog out, it´s so stunning!) who first brought my attention to it and I would love to give her a big Thank You for sharing not only some really amazing interior design inspirational posts, but also the one about Zen Habits with all of us others yet, unenlightened seekers out there!

Leo Babauta, founder and author tells that Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. It´s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what´s important, create something amazing and find happiness.
Zen Habits is supposed to be one of the Top 25 blogs in the World(!) so some of you have probably already discovered this amazing place online and for those of you whom haven´t, go visit here and be inspired by all of the wisdom and simple rules of life this man has to tell us about!

Have a great week!


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