Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Check Out My Latest Find...

This rainy Wednesday afternoon I´m totally loosing myself in this amazing song performed by Ane Brun and Koop.
Please press Play, I think you´ll enjoy it too!

Went in to town earlier today, bought myself a bouquet of pink roses. Fresh flowers can bring life to any space really. Nate Berkus has taught me to put them close together like this.
American interior designers, like Nate himself are very, very, very good when it comes to details in a room and I´ve learned a lot from him! Thank you Nate!

Before you move on please have a closer look in the background of this above photo of mine.
You see, there you´ll have a glance of my latest crazy auction find...
Oh, Yes this is probably one of my wildest and craziest buys EVER and I just LOVE IT!
Got any clues?

Well, before I tell you more about this particular find I would like to talk a little about what´s coming up here at 'Komma hem...'
I have promised to show you some before and afters of my kitchen renovation.
I´m still working on the final details but as soon as I have got it all togheter I will share it with you. I can also tell you that my latest find will be a part of this.
You´ll see:)...

I have also received a Blog Award from sweet Danielle, the talanted girl behind Fresh Quince.
I feel so honored and can´t wait to pass it on to some of you lovely readers! This Award also means I will share with you 7 things you might not know about me. Hopefully I´ll come up with some really juicy ones:)...

Finally, here it is, my latest vintage find!
It´s a really old stage lighting from the English brand 'Strand Electric', founded in 1914 in London´s West End.
Strand's products have been used on countless theatre productions and TV shows worldwide...
I feel so proud of this piece and just love the history behind it!

What do you think!?

I love you guys!


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