Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some Of My Latest Thrift Store Finds...

I promised a dear Blogfriend of mine(Mon) to upload and show a photo of my latest find, mentioned in my previous post this week- a Safarihat I found in a local thrift store the other Weekend. And down below you have a little sneak peak of my hat!
I love this little piece of Colonial style in my home and surprisingly seem to enjoy it everywhere I choose to put it(I actually thought it would be hard to find the right place for it)!

On my latest thrift-hunting I also came across this down below black and golden plate. I will transform this piece to a side table, using some black bamboo sticks as a stand. They were bought on sale quite a while ago and will not only finally come to some great use, they´ll be a great match with my little safari- theme as well don´t you think:)!?

I also found this full leather hatbox. I really love this piece of beauty and feel so glad I found it, quite hidden standing on the floor among some other stuff in my local thrift store. It was quite an expensive buy...totally worth every penny though:)!

I hope you found some inspiration in this post and that you All are enjoying your Weekends!



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