Thursday, June 30, 2011

Venus & Vegas (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Mereka mengatakan apa yang terjadi di Vegas tetap di Vegas ... baik itu masalah lain seluruh ketika Anda tinggal di sana! Eric (Eddie Guerra) dan Tara (Jaime Pressly), pasangan yang tinggal di Vegas benar-benar membutuhkan sebuah peristiwa besar - untuk membantu mereka yang sudah putus! Dia tahu dia berkencan dengan orang baru, tapi tidak bisa membiarkan dia pergi. Putus asa untuk memenangkan kembali hatinya, dan yakin bahwa "pengangguran" statusnya adalah penyebab dari semua masalah mereka, Eric setuju untuk bergabung dengan teman-temannya Stu (Donald Faison) dan Alex (Eddie Kaye Thomas), yang prinsip bakat menipu dan menghindari dewasa , dan dengan masalah pacar mereka sendiri, ketika mereka menemukan skor mudah seumur hidup-muatan kapal chip kasino duduk di sebuah gudang. Chip kasino milik tua-sekolah mafia Vegas Frank Santino (Jon Polito) dan hanya kebetulan palsu. Jika itu terjadi di Vegas, itu terikat untuk mendapatkan berantakan! Dan ketika skor tidak pergi persis seperti yang direncanakan

English Synopsis :
They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...well it's a whole other matter when you live there! Eric (Eddie Guerra) and Tara (Jaime Pressly), a couple living in Vegas are really in need of a major event -- to help them breakup already! He knows she's dating someone new, but can't let her go. Desperate to win back her heart, and convinced that his "unemployed" status is the cause of all their problems, Eric agrees to join his buddies Stu (Donald Faison) and Alex (Eddie Kaye Thomas), whose principle talents are scamming and avoiding adulthood, and with girlfriend problems of their own, when they discover the easy score of a lifetime-a boatload of casino chips sitting in a warehouse. The casino chips belong to old-school Vegas mobster Frank Santino (Jon Polito) and just happen to be counterfeit. If it happens in Vegas, it's bound to get messy! And when the score doesn't go exactly as planned.
Release Date: November 2010
Genre: Action | Comedy | Crime
Cast: Eddie Kaye Thomas, Donald Faison and Eddie Guerra
Quality: DVDRip


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La vita facile (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Mario dan Lukas adalah dua teman yang lulus dalam bidang kedokteran bersama-sama dan sering dikunjungi tekun sampai mereka telah mengalami Jenewa, pemain muda yang cantik. Ketika ia memilih untuk menikah Mario, jalan mereka berbeda: Lukas memutuskan untuk berangkat ke Afrika untuk praktek di rumah sakit lapangan dan dokter Mario menjadi sukses besar, termasyhur operasi jantung. Dua belas tahun kemudian, Mario memutuskan untuk meninggalkan untuk pergi untuk mencapai nya

English Synopsis :
Mario and Luke are two friends who graduated in medicine together and are frequented assiduously until they have experienced Geneva, a beautiful young performer. When she chooses to marry Mario, their paths diverge: Luke decides to leave for Africa to practice in the field hospitals and doctor Mario becomes a great success, a luminary of cardiac surgery. Twelve years later, Mario decides to leave to go to reach its
Release Date: 4 March 2011 (Italy)
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Pierfrancesco Favino, Stefano Accorsi and Vittoria Puccini
Quality: DVDRip


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World of the Dead: The Zombie Diaries (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Tiga bulan telah berlalu sejak wabah virus habis 99,9% dari populasi dunia, mengubah korban ke dalam pemakan daging mayat hidup. Di Inggris, sebuah band yang selamat dari tentara dan warga sipil berlindung di sebuah barak militer pedesaan. Hidup di dunia baru sangat sulit dan brutal, tapi harapan muncul ketika sebuah komunikasi tingkat tinggi diterima dari sebuah pangkalan militer di pantai, menceritakan tempat kudus di tempat lain di Eropa ... Tapi sama seperti keselamatan tampaknya dalam jangkauan, basis penderita mengalami kekalahan besar di tangan mayat hidup! Hidup segelintir tentara dan warga sipil sekarang harus membuat jalan mereka ke pantai untuk mengungkap kebenaran di balik pesan. Perjalanan penuh bahaya mereka membawa mereka di seluruh lanskap, sekarang pengkhianat kematian-rusak, di mana mayat hidup yang luas dalam jumlah dan bandit berkeliaran memaksakan akal jahat mereka sendiri hukum dan ketertiban. Berikut ini adalah perjalanan ke dalam neraka dan putus asa pertempuran melawan segala rintangan untuk kelangsungan hidup umat manusia.

English Synopsis :
Three months have passed since a viral outbreak wiped out 99.9% of the world's population, turning its victims into flesh-eating living dead. In the UK, a surviving band of soldiers and civilians have taken refuge at a rural military barracks. Life in this new world is tough and brutal, but hope appears when a high level communication is received from a military base on the coast, telling of sanctuary elsewhere in Europe... But just as salvation appears to be in reach, the base suffers an overwhelming defeat at the hands of the living dead! The surviving handful of troops and civilians must now make their way to the coast to uncover the truth behind the message. Their perilous journey takes them across a now treacherous, death-ravaged landscape, where the living dead are vast in number and wandering bandits impose their own malicious sense of law and order. What follows is a journey into hell and a desperate battle against all odds for the very survival of the human race.
Release Date: October 2011
Genre: Action | Horror
Cast: Philip Brodie, Alix Wilton Regan and Rob Oldfield
Quality: DVDRip


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Stealth (2005)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Dalam waktu dekat, Angkatan Laut mengembangkan jet tempur dikemudikan oleh komputer kecerdasan buatan. Jet ditempatkan pada kapal induk di Pasifik untuk belajar manuver tempur dari kapal pilot manusia. Tapi ketika komputer mengembangkan pikirannya sendiri, itu adalah manusia yang dibebankan dengan menghentikannya sebelum menghasut perang

English Synopsis :
In the near future, the Navy develops a fighter jet piloted by an artificial intelligence computer. The jet is placed on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific to learn combat manuevers from the human pilots aboard. But when the computer develops a mind of its own, it's the humans who are charged with stopping it before it incites a war.
Release Date: 29 July 2005
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi
Cast: Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel and Jamie Foxx
Quality: BDRip


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Cin !! Tetangga Gue Kuntilanak (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Safina, sedang hamil tua mengalami tekanan jiwa oleh suaminya Anton karena berselingkuh dengan sekertarisnya, Yuli. Yuli berhasil menusukkan jarum yang berguna-guna ke perut Safina yang sedang hamil hingga tewas. Anton dibuat dia tidak bereaksi atas kematian Safina, tetapi bayinya dapat diselamatkan
Yuli bersekongkol dengan dukunnya mengadakan ritual memasang paku emas dikepala mayat Safina supaya rohnya tidak bangkit jadi kuntilanak untuk balas dendam. Akhirnya Yuli dapat mengendalikan Anto dan bayinya agar dapat menguras kekayaannya
Afgan, Nadin dan Nono hobi mengumpulkan cerita horror untuk bahan film independen. Berhasil mendapatkan cerita dari pembantu Safina yang kebetulan bertetangga dengan Afgan, roh Safina berhasil dihadirkan kembali ke rumahnya dalam wujud wanita cantik, membuat Nadin cemburu karena Afgan dan Nono sering menghabiskan waktu menyelidiki rumah kosong Safina, Illusi-illusi rayuan mesra dari roh Safina menggoda mereka. Nadin dengan penasaran ingin melabrak Safina, tapi ia justru bertemu dengan Safina dalam wujud kuntilanak
Setelah mereka tahu kuntilanak Safina bekas majikan bibi. Nadin yang merasa kasihan karena nasibnya Safina dikhianati oleh Yuli dan suaminya. Jadi Afgan, Nadin, Nono dan bibi bertekad untuk membantunya supaya Safina dapat membalas dendam dan bisa bersatu dengan bayinya
Berhasilkah mereka?
Release : 2010
Starring : Cyntiara Alona, Dafino Kandau, Ar Rozzy Mahally, Mayang,Melinda
Genre : Horror
Quality : VCDRip
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After the Waterfall (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Seorang penjaga hutan yang dihantui oleh hilangnya empat tahun putrinya, dan pecahnya berikutnya pernikahannya. Ia menemukan mantan istrinya Ana nya hamil dengan  polisi yang menangani kasus putrinya yang hilang itu.

English Synopsis :
A forest ranger is haunted by the disappearance of his four-year-old daughter, and the subsequent breakup of his marriage. He discovers his ex-wife Ana is pregnant to the policeman in charge of his missing daughter's case.
Release Date: 4 November 2010 (New Zealand)
Genre: Drama
Cast: Dan Broad, Vicky Haughton and Elizabeth Hawthorne
Quality: DVDRip


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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

Session (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Sebuah ketegangan psikologis drama-thriller di mana seorang psikolog menjadi terobsesi dengan salah satu pasiennya. Garis-garis antara mimpi dan kenyataan berbaur.

English Synopsis :
A psychological suspense drama-thriller where a psychologist becomes obsessed with one of his patients. The lines between dreams and reality blend.
Release Date: 8 May 2011
Genre: Drama
Cast: Bar Refaeli, Tom Bower and Gillian Buick
Quality: DVDRip


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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

Taken from Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Kisah nyata penyelamatan dramatis berani Tiffany Rubin 2008 tujuh tahun anaknya, Kobe, setelah dia diculik oleh ayah biologis dan dibawa dari rumahnya di Queens, New York, semua jalan ke Seoul, Korea Selatan.

English Synopsis :
The dramatic true story of Tiffany Rubin’s daring 2008 rescue of her seven-year-old son, Kobe, after he was abducted by his biological father and taken from his home in Queens, New York, all the way to Seoul, South Korea.
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Drama
Cast: Taraji P. Henson, David Haydn-Jones and Drew Davis
Quality: DVDRip


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Thursday, June 30, 2011, Ed Sessa

Theme: Hey, MICKEY, you're so fine. 52D.When spelled out, word that follows the beginnings of the starred answers in a memorable kids' show theme song: MOUSE.

20A. *13th in a literary series of 26: M IS FOR MALICE. Along with 42A. Author Grafton who wrote 20-Across: SUE.

29A. *Me.-to-Fla. route: I NINETY-FIVE. Interstate highway from Maine to Florida.

35A. *Benjamin: C-NOTE. It's all about the Benjamins. My daughter is getting sick of hearing me say "follow the money" whenever she asks me why someone did something.

39A. *Blue Light Specials store: K-MART. Now owned by Sears.

43A. *The Boss's backup: E STREET BAND. Bruce Springsteen.

53A. *All men have them: Y CHROMOSOMES.

Hi all, All here. Did anyone else get anything more complex for the theme? Seemed a bit simple for a Thursday. (Note from C.C.: Looks simple, but it's tough to find familiar phrases where the first word is an English letter, not to mention in equal length for symmetry.)


1. Nile reptile: CROC. In it's natural habitat.

5. Dance in Rio: SAMBA. Brazilian dance of African origin, Zemba, from Portugese samba, shortened form of zambacueca, a type of dance, probably altered (by influence of zamacueco "stupid") from zambapalo, the name of a grotesque dance, itself an alteration of zampapalo "stupid man," from zamparse "to bump, crash."

10. Net info sources: FAQS. Frequently Asked Questions.

14. Make over: REDO.

15. Dwindling Alaskan tribe: ALEUT.

16. It runs in Juarez: AGUA. Spanish water.

17. Copycat: APER.

18. Horn without keys: BUGLE.

19. Place to brood: COOP. Old English brod "brood, fetus, hatchling "that which is hatched by heat." The verbal figurative meaning ("to incubate in the mind") is from the notion of "nursing" one's anger, resentment, etc.

23. Glucose regulator: INSULIN. From Latin insula "island," so called because the hormone is secreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

24. Winter phenomenon, commercially: SNO.

25. Diary of a sort: LOG.

28. Cultural org. since 1965: NEA. National Endowment for the Arts. PBS sponsor.

32. Actress Gardner: AVA. Husbands and lovers include Mickey Rooney, Howard Hughes, Artie Shaw and Frank Sinatra.

33. Party invite inits.: BYO. Bring Your Own beverage.

34. "So be it!": AMEN. From Hebrew for "truth".

38. "__ to him who believes in nothing": Hugo: WOE. From Les Mis�rables.

40. Bats: LOCO. Daft, nuts.

41. "Platoon" setting, briefly: NAM.

46. Basic resting spot: COT. Basic training.

49. "So that's it!": OHO.

50. Where kronor are spent: Abbr.: SWEeden.

51. Cooks quantity?: TOO MANY. Cooks spoil the broth. Many hands make the work light. Make up your mind...

55. Bunker smoother: RAKE. Golf sandtrap.

58. Give __: inspire: A LIFT.

59. Capable of: UP TO.

60. Cell impulse transmitter: AXON. Nerve ending.

61. Blakley of "Nashville": RONEE. Unknown to me.

62. Put in stitches: SEWN. Expecting something funny here.

63. "I Love Lucy" producer/writer Oppenheimer: JESS. If you say so.

64. Tipped at the casino: TOKED. Never been to Vegas, but makes sense, I guess.

65. Winged archer: EROS. Greek God of love, Roman counterpart: Cupid.


1. Fill snugly with: CRAM IN.

2. Complain: REPINE. Old English pine (pain, torture) with intensifier "re-", to cause pain.

3. Potemkin mutiny city: ODESSA. The Battleship Potemkin, a propaganda film. The Tsar's Cossacks in their white summer tunics march down the Odessa steps in a rhythmic, machine-like fashion firing volleys into a crowd.

4. Argonauts' island refuge: CORFU.

5. Kate's "Charlie's Angels" role: SABRINA. Charlie's Angels.

6. Some booster club members: ALUMNI. Latin alumnus "a pupil," literally "foster son", from a word meaning "to nourish".

7. Byte beginning: MEGA. Prefix meaning one million.

8. Dartboard area: BULLS-EYE.

9. Diminished slowly: ATE INTO.

10. Watch part: FACE. Band, dial, hand, stem, gear, lots of choices.

11. Back in time: AGO.

12. Status __: QUO. "The state in which", so existing state of affairs.

13. Deplete: SAP. "weaken or destroy insidiously," originally "dig a trench toward the enemy's position", from M.Fr. saper, from sappe "spade," from Latin sappa "spade". The sense of "weaken" on the notion of "draining the vital sap from."

21. Martini garnish: OLIVE.

22. Demure: COY. from Old French coi, earlier quei "quiet, still, placid, gentle," ultimately from Latin quietus "resting, at rest".

25. Andean bean: LIMA. Simmonds' "Dictionary of Trade" (1858) describes it as "esteemed," but it has the consistency of a diseased dog kidney.

26. Done: OVER.

27. Mannerly fellow: GENT.

30. Nuclear radiation weapon, for short: N-BOMB. The neutron bomb was supposed to kill people but leave buildings intact.

31. Popularity: FAME.

32. Comment end?: ATOR. Commentator

35. Mark's love: CLEOpatra.

36. Chips and dip, say: NOSH. From Yiddish nashn "nibble,"

37. Twice quadri-: OCTO.

38. Decisive downfall: WATERLOO.

39. Praise: KUDOS. Greek.

41. 1980s sitcom set in rural Vermont: NEWHART. Hi, I'm Larry. This is my brother Darryl and this is my other brother Darryl.

42. Acted snobbishly toward: SNOOTED.

44. PC key: ESC. I use it all the time with my favored Unix text editor. Really messes me up when I have to switch back to using Windows though.

45. Payment for cash?: ATM FEE. I remember when these were first being pushed to be accepted to lower your account fees because banks would save money not having to pay a teller for mundane tasks. They seem to have lost sight of that...

46. Boy scout, at times: CAMPER.

47. Fight combo: ONE TWO. Boxing. Give 'im the ol' one-two, along with 57D. Haymaker consequences: KOS. Knock-outs.

48. Boxer Mike et al.: TYSONS. Hmmm, I think one of those is enough...

53. Desires: YENS. Earlier yin "intense craving for opium", from Chinese (Cantonese) yan "craving," or from a Beijing dialect word for "smoke." Reinforced in English by influence of yearn.

54. Pen call: OINK.

55. British rule in India: RAJ. From Hindi raj "rule, kingdom" c.f. Rajah.

56. Bush whacker?: AXE. The spelling ax is better on every ground, of etymology, phonology, and analogy, than axe, which became prevalent during the 19th century; but it is now disused in Britain. [OED] (but then it wouldn't fit in a LAT crossword puzzle).


Notes from C.C.:

1) I'd like to share with you a baseball themed puzzle Don G made for my birthday. Click here for Across Lite file and here for PDF version. The clues are original & tough. When you're done, click here to see the layered gimmicks. I only got half of the tricks.

2) Here are a few cool pictures from Marti & Dudley's lunch meeting yesterday. Marti has more detailed captions on her photos. Unfortunately they don't show well in the pictures.

Dog Names in Dog Training

Cute Chihuahua

Another very practical point which is often overlooked when choosing dog names is that the dog mustn't be confused by his name.

At the higher levels of obedience competition your dog will be on the ball and can easily anticipate your commands - especially if he's a Border Collie! So if you say "Sssam ... down," you may find that Sssam has sssat instead and you've just lost five marks.

If you're getting a dog with a view to competition obedience, you'd better check the usual commands with an experienced handler. You can't change dog names mid-dog!


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Bringing Ashley Home (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Ketika Adik Ashley, yang menderita gangguan bipolar dan kecanduan obat, hilang, Libba Phillips mencurahkan semua waktu dan energi ke dalam menemukan Ashley dan membawa rumahnya. Seperti tahun-tahun berlalu, Libba menolak untuk menyerah, dan, dengan mengorbankan pernikahannya dan karir, Libba menemukan panggilan hidupnya: menciptakan pusat sumber daya yang sangat dibutuhkan bagi keluarga lain yang hilang orang tercinta telah jatuh melalui celah-celah .

English Synopsis :
When her wild younger sister Ashley, who suffers from bipolar disorder and drug addiction, goes missing, Libba Phillips pours all her time and energy into finding Ashley and bringing her home. As the years go by, Libba refuses to give up hope, and, at the expense of her marriage and career, Libba finds her calling in life: creating a much-needed resource center for other families whose missing loved ones have fallen through the cracks.
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Drama
Cast: A.J. Cook, Jennifer Morrison and Patricia Richardson
Quality: DVDRip


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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Babysitters a Vampire (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Ethan tidak dipercaya oleh orang tua untuk tinggal di rumah sendiri dengan Jane (adik Ethan). Karena untuk bertindak dewasa Ethan, mereka menyewa Erica, seorang gadis yang pergi ke sekolah Ethan. Tapi Erica malam seharusnya mengasuh Ethan dan Jane, dia dan Sarah (teman Erica terbaik) sedang berbicara, ketika Jesse, pacar Sarah, misterius datang bersama dengan geng vampir. Erica memutuskan untuk tidak mengasuh dan pergi ke pesta vampir. Padahal, Sarah membantah. Sarah dan Jesse telah berbicara yang menjadi pertarungan tinju, yang benar dengan rumah Ethan, tapi tidak bisa melihat Ethan melawan karena ada pohon menghalangi, tapi ia mendengar geraman seperti binatang. Segera Jesse Sarah melempar ke udara di mana ia tanah ke Ethan semak. Sarah kemudian cincin bel pintu, dan ibu Ethan membukanya.

English Synopsis :
High-schooler Ethan is untrusted by his parents to stay home alone with Jane (Ethan’s little sister). Due to Ethan’s immature act, they hire Erica, a girl that goes to Ethan’s school. But the night Erica was supposed to babysit Ethan and Jane, her and Sarah (Erica’s best friend) were talking, when Jesse, Sarah’s boyfriend, mysteriously comes along with his gang of vampires. Erica decides not to babysit and goes to a vampire party. Though, Sarah denies. Sarah and Jesse have a talk which becomes a fist fight, which is right by Ethan’s house, but Ethan cannot see the fight because there are trees blocking, but he hears animal-like grunts. Soon Jesse throws Sarah into the air in which she lands into Ethan’s bush. Sarah then rings the doorbell, and Ethan’s mother opens it.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy
Cast: Matthew Knight, Atticus Dean Mitchell and David Wontner
Quality: HDTV


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Ice Quake (Tv 2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Di bawah bentang alam Alaska, pencairan permafrost adalah untuk secara drastis mengubah pemandangan tenang. Sebagai lapisan es mencair, sungai bawah tanah Metana cair yang mudah menguap diciptakan, menyebabkan suksesi gempa bumi kekerasan dan destruktif. Ini adalah berpacu dengan waktu untuk menghentikan sungai mematikan sebelum mereka menyebabkan ledakan bencana yang mengancam planet ini.

English Synopsis :
Beneath the Alaskan landscape, the melting permafrost is about to drastically alter the tranquil scenery. As the permafrost thaws, underground rivers of volatile liquid Methane are created, causing a succession of violent and destructive earthquakes. It's a race against time to stop the deadly rivers before they lead to a catastrophic explosion that threatens the planet.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Sci-Fi
Cast: Brendan Fehr, Holly Elissa Lamaro and Jodelle Ferland
Quality: BDRip


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Lebanon, Pa. (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Will (Josh Hopkins), 35 tahun yang menawan Philadelphia orang iklan, kepala ke Lebanon, Pa untuk menguburkan ayahnya baru saja meninggal. Dia membentuk sebuah persahabatan yang tak terduga dengan CJ (Rachel Kitson), cerah, baru hamil 17 tahun sepupu. Saat Will menjadi tertarik pada guru CJ menikah (Samantha Mathis) dan CJ menghadapkan ayahnya konflik nya, baik berjuang dengan keputusan yang tangguh tentang jalan hidup mereka akan mengambil. Dapatkah kita kubah perbedaan kita dan bertemu di tengah? Drama ini komik pahit lembut mengeksplorasi membagi budaya di Amerika melalui kehidupan satu keluarga besar.

English Synopsis :
Will (Josh Hopkins), a charming 35-year-old Philadelphia ad man, heads to Lebanon, Pa. to bury his recently deceased father. He forms an unexpected friendship with CJ (Rachel Kitson), his bright, newly pregnant 17-year-old cousin. As Will becomes interested in CJ's married teacher (Samantha Mathis) and CJ confronts her conflicted father, both struggle with formidable decisions about the path their lives will take. Can we vault our differences and meet in the middle? This bittersweet comic drama tenderly explores the cultural divide in America through the lives of one extended family.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Drama
Cast: Josh Hopkins, Samantha Mathis and Mary Beth Hurt
Quality: BDRip


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Wild Cherry (2009)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Di sekolah tinggi, tiga pacar memutuskan untuk membuat perjanjian rahasia dengan satu sama lain menunggu untuk berhubungan seks, menyelamatkan diri sampai mereka merasa waktunya tepat, meskipun rencana agresif dari lawan seks

English Synopsis :
In high school, three girlfriends decide to make a secret pact with each other to wait to have sex, save themselves until they feel the time is right, despite an aggressive plan from the opposing sex.
Release Date: 2009
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Rumer Willis, Tania Raymonde and Kristin Cavallari
Quality: BDRip


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3 Backyards (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Yohanes (Elias Koteas) dan istrinya (Kathryn Erbe) jelas tidak senang dengan satu sama lain, meskipun mereka tidak ingin berbicara tentang apa yang salah, dan ketika pesawat keluar kota dibatalkan pada menit terakhir, John memutuskan untuk tidak pergi rumah. Sebaliknya, ia memeriksa ke sebuah motel dan menghabiskan waktu luangnya berkeliaran di lingkungan tempat ia dulu tinggal. Peggy (Edie Falco) adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga setengah baya didorong untuk gangguan oleh kebosanan, dan dia awalnya senang ketika dia menemukan bahwa seorang aktris populer (Embeth Davidtz) telah bergerak di pintu depan. Namun, ketika aktris meminta Peggy untuk mengangkat ke feri di dekatnya, itu mengarah ke konfrontasi disayangkan. Dan ketika delapan tahun Christina (Rachel Resheff) merindukan bus sekolah setelah menggesekkan beberapa perhiasan dari kamar tidur ibunya, dia mencoba berjalan ke sana sendiri. Mengambil jalan pintas melalui hutan, Christina menemukan dirinya di lingkungan yang aneh, di mana dia terkena pengaruh korup dunia orang dewasa.

English Synopsis :
John (Elias Koteas) and his wife (Kathryn Erbe) are clearly unhappy with one another, though they don’t want to talk about what’s wrong, and when his flight out of town is canceled at the last minute, John decides not to go home. Instead, he checks into a motel and spends his spare time wandering the neighborhood where he used to live. Peggy (Edie Falco) is a middle-aged housewife driven to distraction by boredom, and she’s initially thrilled when she discovers that a popular actress (Embeth Davidtz) has moved in next door. However, when the actress asks Peggy for a lift down to a nearby ferry, it leads to an unfortunate confrontation. And when eight-year-old Christina (Rachel Resheff) misses her school bus after swiping some jewelry from her mother’s bedroom, she tried to walk there on her own. Taking a shortcut through the woods, Christina finds herself in a strange neighborhood, where she’s exposed to the corrupt influences of the adult world.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Drama
Cast: Embeth Davidtz, Edie Falco and Elias
Quality: DVDRip


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Salt (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Menyebut nama Angelina Jolie tentunya tidak akan terlepas dari ikon si wanita petualang tangguh, Lara Croft dalam film Tomb Raider. Sosoknya yang tangguh menghadapi segala rintangan dengan berbagai keahlian berkelahi maupun bersenjata kini melekat pada tubuh wanita yang pernah mendapat predikat wanita terseksi tersebut. Jolie berperan sebagai Evelyn Salt, seorang agen CIA yang mencoba membuktikan bahwa dirinya benar atas tuduhan kepada dirinya sebagai pembelot dan bagian dari agen mata-mata Rusia.
Kejadian bermula ketika Vassily Orlov seorang mata-mata yang tertangkap dan diinterogasi oleh Salt justru mengatakan bahwa Salt adalah seorang agen Rusia yang akan membunuh Presiden Rusia. Kejadian tersebut diikuti dengan bunyinya alat pendeteksi kebohongan bahwa Orlov berkata jujur. Spontan agen CIA yang hadir dan menyaksikan kejadian tersebut kaget. Salt yang panik pun langsung memutuskan untuk melarikan diri.

English Synopsis :
Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent and highly respected by all, including her boss, Ted Winter. Out of the blue, a Russian spy walks into their offices and offers a vital piece of information: the President of Russia will be assassinated during his forthcoming visit to New York City to attend the funeral of the recently deceased U.S. Vice President. The name of the assassin: Evelyn Salt. Concerned about the safety of her husband, who she cannot contact, she goes on the run. Winter refuses to accept that she is a mole or a double agent but her actions begin to raise doubts. Just who is Evelyn Salt and what is she planning?
Release Date: 28 July 2010 (Indonesia)
Genre: Action | Thriller
Pemain: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Andre Braugher, Daniel Olbrychski, Zoe Lister-Jones
Quality: BDRip


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Peacock (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
John Skillpa, seorang pegawai bank yang tinggal tenang di Peacock kecil, Nebraska, lebih suka menjalani kehidupan yang tak terlihat. Hal ini mungkin harus melakukan dengan rahasia John: ia memiliki kepribadian lain tidak ada yang tahu tentang, seorang wanita yang setiap pagi melakukan tugas-tugasnya dan koki sarapan untuknya sebelum ia memulai harinya. Kemudian, dalam sekejap semuanya berubah,

English Synopsis :
John Skillpa, a quiet bank clerk living in tiny Peacock, Nebraska, prefers to live an invisible life. This might have to do with John's secret: he has another personality no one knows about, a woman who each morning does his chores and cooks him breakfast before he starts his day. Then, in a moment, everything changes.
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Drama | Thriller
Cast: Cillian Murphy, Ellen Page and Susan Sarandon
Quality: DVDRip


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Two-Legged Chihuahua Is Saved

   Awesome Sandra Bullock became more awesome for Chihuahua lovers – she Chihuahua named Ruby, an adorable two-legged Chihuahua she rescued from a shelter in Long Beach several years ago. After the adoption Sandra said, “we now have a dog with just two legs, she walks on her hind legs. She was born with like a little flipper here and a little flipper here, she’s like a little dinosaur, a velociraptor.”

   “She’s got the best posture. she goes up the stairs only we haven’t taught her how to go down yet – that’s sort of like face plant central, and you don’t wanna laugh. She just gets so excited; she takes off,” she added.

Chihuahua Clothes Celebrity   Bullock also said that cute little ruby has most certainly brightened up her life and that, “any dog that is missing something is welcome in our house.”

   Speaking to reporters recently backstage after the golden globe awards, bullock also said that her dogs go everywhere they go, after all, who’s going to walk a two-legged dog?

   Sandra and husband also adopted a three-legged Chihuahua-pomeranian named Poppy from the same shelter that Ruby was rescued from.

Sandra, we love you!