Friday, July 1, 2011

Love Likes Coincidences (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Tahun 1977, sebuah pagi di bulan September di Ankara ... Yilmaz mencoba untuk terburu-buru Neriman istrinya yang sedang hamil ke rumah sakit dan dia meremukkan ke dalam mobil Omer itu. Kecelakaan ini menyebabkan istri hamil Omer itu Inci, yang berada di kursi belakang, memiliki tenaga kerja pra-panjang. Para bayi yang lahir pada hari yang sama. Mereka melihat satu sama lain untuk pertama kalinya ... Kecelakaan ini adalah ambang kebetulan yang membawa Ozgur dan Deniz bersama-sama. Mereka menemukan satu sama lain di Ankara beberapa kali selama masa kanak-kanak dan remaja. Setiap persimpangan memiliki efek kupu-kupu, yang mengakibatkan perubahan drastis dalam hidup mereka. Mereka menjadi saling mencintai anjing atau patah hati pertama mereka ... Tapi di luar ini, pertemuan setiap perubahan rute hidup mereka. Tidak hanya mereka, tetapi juga keluarga mereka '... Mereka kadang-kadang menyebabkan bencana, kadang-kadang keajaiban. Namun, mereka tidak pernah bisa bersama-sama. Apa pun yang membawa mereka bersama-sama, berhasil membangun dinding transparan antara mereka. Sampai mereka menemukan satu sama lain lagi di Istanbul, 25 tahun kemudian.

English Synopsis :
Year 1977, a September morning in Ankara... Yilmaz tries to rush his pregnant wife Neriman to the hospital and he crushes into Omer's car. This accident causes Omer's pregnant wife Inci, who was in the back seat, to have a pre-term labor. The babies are born on the same day. They see each other for the first time... This accident is the threshold of the coincidences that bring Ozgur and Deniz together. They come across each other in Ankara several times during their childhood and youth. Each intersection has a butterfly effect, resulting in drastic changes in their lives. They become each other's puppy love or their first heartbreak... But beyond this, each confluence changes their route of life. Not only theirs, but also their families'... They sometimes cause disasters, sometimes miracles. However, they can never be together. Whatever it is that brings them together, manages to build a transparent wall between them. Until they come across each other again in Istanbul, 25 years later.
Release Date: 3 February 2011 (Belgium)
Genre: Drama | Romance
Cast: Mehmet Günsür, Belçim Bilgin and Altan Erkekli
Quality: DVDRip


Link Download : [MF]
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Subtitle : [ English inside archive ]


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