Sunday, August 14, 2011

Defiance (2008)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Tiga bersaudara Bielski menemukan tugas yang tidak mungkin untuk mencari makanan dan senjata untuk kelangsungan hidup mereka. Mereka hidup, tidak hanya dengan rasa takut penemuan, bersaing dengan tetangga partisan Soviet dan mengetahui siapa yang harus dipercaya tetapi juga mengambil tanggung jawab menjaga massa besar Yahudi Polandia melarikan diri dari mesin perang Jerman. Wanita, pria, anak-anak, orang tua dan muda sama semua bersembunyi di rumah-rumah darurat di hutan gelap, dingin dan tak kenal ampun pada masa tergelap Eropa Timur yang diduduki Jerman.

English Synopsis :
On the run and hiding in the deep forests of the then German occupied Poland and Belorussia (World War II), the three Bielski brothers find the impossible task of foraging for food and weapons for their survival. They live, not only with the fear of discovery, contending with neighboring Soviet partisans and knowing whom to trust but also take the responsibility of looking after a large mass of fleeing Polish Jews from the German war machine. Women, men, children, the elderly and the young alike are all hiding in makeshift homes in the dark, cold and unforgiving forests in the darkest times of German occupied Eastern Europe.
Release Date: 10 February 2009 (Indonesia)
Genre: Action | Drama | History
Cast: Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber and Jamie Bell
Quality: BluRay 720p

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