Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ladda Land (2011)

English Synopsis :
Thi has decided to buy a new house for his wife, Pan, and their two children in a housing estate called “Ladda Land”. Everything seems pleasant until one day a servant girl dies violently and her body is discarded in a house in the neighborhood. The residents starts to encounter the dead who are haunting the estate and soon people starts to move out. When Pan and the children starts to hear voices in their house, she plead her husband to move out. Thi has to decides to continue living in the house of his dreams or abandon it for the sake of his family.

Indonesia Sinopsis :
Thi telah memutuskan untuk membeli rumah baru untuk istrinya, Pan, dan dua anak mereka di perumahan yang disebut "Ladda Tanah". Segalanya tampak menyenangkan sampai suatu hari seorang gadis hamba mati keras dan tubuhnya dibuang di sebuah rumah di lingkungan itu. Para penduduk mulai menghadapi mati yang menghantui real dan segera orang mulai bergerak keluar. Ketika Pan dan anak-anak mulai mendengar suara-suara di rumah mereka, ia memohon suaminya untuk pindah. Thi harus memutuskan untuk tetap tinggal di rumah impiannya atau meninggalkannya demi keluarganya.
aka The Lost Home
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Horror
Cast: Saharat Sangkapreecha, Atipit Chutiwatkajornchai, Piyathida Woramuksik
Quality: DVDRip


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