Monday, August 8, 2011

Lethal Justice (2011)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
"Lethal Keadilan" Kane (Steven Seagal) dan timnya sedang melawan gelombang baru penjahat, masyarakat orang yang mencoba untuk mengatur dan merevitalisasi cara segregasi, sebuah kelompok yang menyebut diri, "New Hope." Dengan Radner (Warren Christie) pada kasus dan menyamar di kompleks "New Hope", Mason (William "BIGSLEEPS" Stewart) harus menjaga Juliet volatil (Meghan Ory) di bawah kontrol setelah Jaksa, Lisa Clayton (Tia Carrere bintang tamu) gagal narapidana, Kenneth (Fulvio Cecere), seorang pemerkosa berantai yang dicurigai. Eskalasi berlanjut ketika tim menemukan bahwa mantan Kane perang veteran dan kamerad sniper, Burung (Ryan Robbins), siapa yang menderita Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, diduga membunuh orang tak bersalah dengan cara senapan sniper. Dengan pemilihan politik dan orang-orang Seattle lari ketakutan, tim Kane harus tetap keren bahkan sebagai gelombang kejahatan baru-baru ini terlihat menjadi yang paling berdarah belum.

English Synopsis :
“Lethal Justice” Kane (Steven Seagal) and his team are up against a new wave of criminals, a society of people trying to organize and revitalize the ways of segregation; a group who call themselves, the “New Hope.” With Radner (Warren Christie) on the case and undercover in the “New Hope” compound, Mason (William “BIGSLEEPS” Stewart) has to keep the volatile Juliet (Meghan Ory) under control after District Attorney, Lisa Clayton (guest star Tia Carrere) fails to convict, Kenneth (Fulvio Cecere), a suspected serial rapist. The escalation continues when the team finds that Kane’s former war veteran and sniper comrade, Bird (Ryan Robbins), who’s suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is suspected of killing innocent people by way of sniper rifle. With the current political elections and the people of Seattle running scared, Kane’s team must keep it’s cool even as the recent crime wave looks to be the bloodiest yet.
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Action
Cast: Steven Seagal, Meghan Ory, Sarah Lind, Warren Christie
Quality: DVDRip


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Part 1 | Part 2

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Part 1 | Part 2

Subtitle : [ Not availble ]

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