Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Skinning : Sisanje (2010)

Indonesia Sinopsis :
SISANJE adalah cerita dari sebuah SMA di Belgrade muda jagoan matematika Novica yang mendapatkan tergoda ke dunia skinhead dengan Relja pemimpin karismatik mereka. Novica bergabung dengan geng skinhead rasis dalam upaya untuk mengatasi status geek di sekolah tetapi segera ia tersedot ke dalam dunia rasisme, kekerasan dan premanisme, gerakan skinhead mengambil dia dan akhirnya dia mulai memanjat tangga di skinhead hirarki.

English Synopsis :
SISANJE is a story of a young Belgrade high school math champ Novica who gets seduced into the world of skinheads by their charismatic leader Relja. Novica joins the gang of racist skinheads in an attempt to overcome the geek status in school but soon enough he is sucked into the world of racism, violence and hooliganism, the skinhead movement takes him over and eventually he starts climbing up the ladder in the skinhead hierarchy.
Release Date: 6 October 2010
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama
Cast: Nikola Rakocevic, Viktor Savic and Natasa Tapuskovic
Quality: DVDRip

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Subtitle : [ Not available ]

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