Sunday, February 13, 2011

Picasso and I...

Picasso himself had one, now myself is somewhat experiencing the same thing- A 'Blue Period' or 'Periodo Azul' as it´s called in Spanish.

Feeling a bit confused?
Allow me to explain!

The 'Blue Period' is a term used to define to the works produced by Spanish painter Pablo Picasso between 1901 and 1904, when he painted essentially monochromatic paintings in shades of blue and blue-green, only occasionally warmed by other colors.

These somber works, inspired by Spain but painted in Paris, are now some of his most popular works, although he had difficulty selling them at the time...

My passion for blue started a little while ago during my 'Style searching'.
I´m always in some sort of passion when it comes to interior design and home decor. Now it just happens to be blue and the starting point must have been this down below so beautiful bluepainted bureau from my dear friend Mon´s house(click here to see more of this beautiful eclectic home and click here to transport yourself to Mon´s successfull blog 'Splendid Willow'.
I simply love it and ever since I´ve had a MAJOR crush on blue!

It´s like a new world has opened up for me. You see, I have never before been into the colors of blue, especially not when it comes to interior design and interior decorating. So now I´m totally experiencing something new and find potential in things I would have never even looked at before.

Thank you Mon, I love being in love with blue:)!

Even though Picassos Blue period obviously represented a quite dark time in his life, blue must be considered as a versatile type of color. It has a dark and a bright side, it´s a masculine type of color but with a truly quite femine side as well, it can be looked at as noble yet bohemian.
I´m truly in love with blue this moment and if I was about to follow my passion I would go wild with a dark rich blue color on my todays white walls.

What´s your passion right now? Any particular Color, Style, Designer, 'Thing'...?

Before I sign off I would like to Welcome all of my New Followers, I´m so happy and grateful to see you´ve found your way to my little corner of the world!

Blue Paintings by Picasso, Google images, Wikipedia, Robert Burke & Todd Romano, Decorpad, House to Home

Also, wishing old and new friends a great, great start this new- soon to be- upcoming week!
If not so, let´s try to change our thoughts and feelings around and make it so:)!

Sending lots of Love to all of you & A Happy Valentine´s Day!


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