Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Favourite afternoons...

What would you be doing a on a favourite afternoon, coming home from work?

Myself this time of year, loves to put on some water and make myself a good cup of tea(coffe or hot chocolate). It feels relaxing and cozy and actually makes me appriciate the dark afternoons, especially around Christmas time!

I have so much love for my home.
Moving in 10 years ago I had no idea I would feel such strong connection to it. It almost feels like the perfect home for me where I am in life, but there are 2 things I miss and wish; An open fireplace and a bathtub!

Have your place got it all or is there something you would like to add to make it even more of a Superior home?

Photos:We heart it, Country Living,Freshome

I Would love to hear your stories!

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