Monday, December 13, 2010

Grab Your ChiLLY Dog and get Warm at Doggie Couture Shop!

Winter can be so much fun and such a great time of the year but can also bring major stress for a dog. Not only are their owners running around shopping, cooking, cleaning and possibly not at home for extended periods of time - what is worse is that it's dang cold outside!

Look at the age and breed of your dog. Older dogs are unable to manage cold weather as younger dogs and if your dog is a small dog; its common sense that they are not going to be able to stay outside as long as a St. Bernard.

If your dog is primarily a outdoor dog please plan early for proper shelter for him. Your dog should have a warm area to be in when outdoors. You could buy a heated dog bed, or a dog house that is insulated with a nice dog blanket inside for cushion. Make sure that no dog bedding is wet for an extended period of time. Doggie Couture Shop has a large variety of outside dog beds sure to fit your dog and his personality and your budget.

Change our dog's water often during the day or get a elevated dog bowl that prevents your dog's water from freezing. A dog can dehydrate in the winter as well as summer if adequate water is not available. Again, Doggie Couture Shop's passion is to make sure your dog has the best, and he can with beautiful elevated dog feeders; and they come in many colors such as: teal, gold, pink, black, sapphire blue and red. You won't go wrong with these, and what a great Christmas gift this would make for any dog!

Check your dog's ears and hair and even paws for icicles, snow or even frostbite. We are happy to announce that Doggie Couture Shop has great dog sandals and dog socks to keep your dogs paws warm and toasty through the winter season.

Yes, dog's can benefit from dog sweaters and dog coats or a great dog vest. Those who say that they are fine outside without some kind of covering are full of reindeer mush. Why not invest in a nice dog sweater or dog hoodie for your dog to give him the added warmth that he needs when out for a walk or outside playing.

Make the winter holidays super fun with no drama and certainly no trauma - be prepared and be a good pet owner and shop with Doggie Couture Shop for the best winter dog items around.


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