Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Peace at home...

Photo: Sköna hem

Today I ´ve helped one of my customers organize a part of her home.
I´ve always known that our home environment has an impact on us humans(having my own experiences during periods of renovation of the house). But since I´ve started my own buisness for almost a year now, I´ve come to realize that our home actually has a huge impact on our well being!
I´ve helped quite a few by now, cleaning up and organize their homes as well as throwing away some of their things and they have all felt such a relief when it once was done. It´s almost like they´ve come alive once again.

I´m so grateful having the opportunitie to do this for a living.
Sometimes the cleaning part of course can be hard and there are days when I feel very exhausted.
But, being able to help people feel better is something that really counts for me and makes even the toughest days all worth it!

Thank you girls for leaving such nice comments here at 'Komma hem'.
I don´t think you know how much this means to me. I´m so grateful having you in my life now!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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