Friday, August 6, 2010

A year from now...

Today I´ll share some pictures of my own place.
Our home is truly our passion and we spend a lot(sometimes all) of our free time on it.
Here is a pic of me working my ... off.

Last summer we renovated the facade and the roof on the house. That ment a lot of work, but we both felt it was worth it and feel happy with the results!
We also added a porch by one of the entrances. This year we have spent a lot of time there!



Last year we also renovated our bathroom, if you could call it that. It is a separate toilet room and a seperate shower room straight across eachother in the hallway.
When you live in an old house like ours, built in 1936 the living area is very limited and you really have to compromise!

Sorry, this is my only picture of the toilet before. Here my common- law spouse is working on getting the toilet out.

Both toilet and shower was really old and needed a make over!!!

And here is After:

Hope you´ll enjoy!

Kind regards


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