Thursday, August 19, 2010


First of all a big sun flower to all of the girls leaving such cute comments here on 'Komma hem'.
You are fantastic!
Photo taken by me

Sorry I haven´t been around for a few days now!
Felt I had spent too much time by the computer lately and decided to take a few days not making any new posts.

This tuesday me and my common- law spouse also took a trip to Denmark, visiting my mon and stepfather on their vacation in Kramnitse, Lolland.

My mom and stepfather

It felt so good having a rest from the whole kitchen- project here at home.
Down below is an updated picture of the kitchen.

Do not be afraid of what you see!
The kitchen will not be in this blue color. Underneath the blue film you´ll find a white highgloss abstractct finish.

As you also can see there is such a mess here at home!

Yet, I´m trying my hardest to keep the place at least a little bit tidy, buying all kinds of storage, begging my common- law spouse(at the end of the day) please to put all the tools and other stuff(laying all over the place) in one of them. (Not being very successful.)
Now, if you look real close at the picture above you´ll see The Wassily chair standing in the corner of the kitchen(were it´s also suppose to be standing when the kitchen is done).

On our way to Kramnitse we stopped and picked it up from the storage it had been sent to after the auction was closed.
It was in really good shape and I´m so glad we bought it!

Having an eye for design my father also found The Wassily chair very interesting and really enjoyed the comfort.
Many other visitors here at home get supprised that the chair is not just good looking, you can actually sit in it too!

Own photos

Now, back to our trip to Denmark.
My mom and stepfather had their stay in this cute private owned apartment with a beautiful sea view. I just love the simplicity the Danish people use when they decorate their homes as well as their eye for details.
It was all very simple, yet very cozy and unique.

Own photos

Also took these picture of the beautiful Oresund bridge(taken from inside the car, unfortunately showing quite a few raindrops on the window). An amazing bridge between Malmö in Sweden and Copengahagen in Denmark.

Photos taken by me

There is something special, romantic and beautiful about bridges, don´t you think?

Since the city of Kramnitse is situated very near Puttgarden in Germany we of course had to visit Boarder Shop(or at least the male ones did) :).
In this shop you can find all kinds of affordable beer, wine, whiskey, vodka, liqueur, you name it- they got it!

Own photos

Me and mom actually had a nice visit there as well, shopping sweats and some cheap but very nice looking jewellery.

Speaking of Denmark...
Recently came across this picture showing these unique full leather handles from Tine K Home.
I would love to put them on some storage furniture in my bedroom, home office or livingroom.

Thank you for stopping by.
I hope you found some great inspiration here at 'Komma hem'!?


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