Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog Award...

I have a fantastic blog-friend and her namn is Stacey. She blogs over at 'Design Addict Mom'(you have to go visit, the inspiration is awesome!).
Stacey is truly one of my absolute most loyal followers and always leaves such cute comments here at 'Komma hem'. I appriciate her a lot!
This fantastic girl has now also Awarded me 'The Happy 101- Award'. Its were sweet friends add in kind words, mix in sweet thoughts and enjoy good times.

I feel very choosen and happy about it!
Thank you lovely Stacey!

Now, on receiving this lovely Award, I am to do the following:
I am to thank the giver, List 10 things I like + pass on to fellow bloggers and let them know via comment.

Since I´ve already thanked Stacey for Awarding me, here comes 10 things I like(love)...

1. Autumn
This is my favourite season of the year.
Fall feelings makes me happy!

2. The ocean

Last sunday me and my common- law spouse took a ride in a borrowed convertible to a nearby beach, enjoyed the beautiful and powerful waves. Also looked for seashells as we walked along the coast line. Brought them home and now they give us such a good memory from this beautiful summer, that we now have left behind us.
The ocean(sea) makes me happy!

Photo: Komma hem

3. Friends and family
One of the absolute most important things in life!
What would I do without you guys, I wonder!?
Spending time with friends and family makes me happy!

4. Interior design

Most of you probably know this by now.
I love a good looking home as well as a good looking design item.
Modern classics are one of my my passions in this area.
Interior design makes me happy!

5. Peach & Precious
I love my beautiful housecats. They are both such loving individuals with beautiful personalities.
Every day they bring joy to my life.
My pets makes me happy!

6. My job
A year ago I started my own buisness 'Tinas Home Service' that offers everything from cooking and cleaning to home staging, organizing and interior design services.
I love going to work every day now.
This has for sure been a long lasting dream finally coming true and I enjoy every second of it!
Helping people(and making a living on it) makes me happy!

I love a good cup of coffee(especially in the morning) alone or in good company.
Coffee makes me happy!

8. The sun

In Sweden we don´t take a sunny day for granted!
A sunny day(especially in the Autumn) makes me happy!

9. My home
Along the years there has been a lot of ups and downs with my feelings toward my home.
We have done a lot of work on our house and there are a lot of work to go!
I´m so looking foward for my home to be a place to rest and find balance. It´ll be some day and most of the time I´m actually enjoying the renovation on it.
Lately I´ve come to the conclusion that I love my home and wouldn´t give it up for anything!

Photos: We heart it

10. Brick walls
Yes, you heard me out just right:). I love, love a good piece of exposed brick wall and some day I´ll have at least one of those in my own home, (even if it´ll be a fake one!).

Now I would like to pass this Award on to a friend and close by neighbor.
Here name is Cia and she blogs over at 'Röda ting'(check her out, you´ll love all of the creativity!).
She is such a lovely ladie, always leaving such thoughtful comments over here and really fits right on in to the criteria on this particular Award!

Click on the picture to head over to Cia´s fantastic place!


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