Saturday, October 23, 2010

Style searching No.4

Welcome all to my Style searching No.4.
Previous ones has been all about different styles, from Shabby chic and Modern minimalism to a typical New England style.

Today we are about to enter this beautiful house, situated in Seattle, USA. I´m so excited!
Don´t you just love the exterior!?

The owner of the house, Monika from Splendid Willow(whom I consider to be a very good 'blog- friend' of mine) is a Swedish lady with great talents when it comes to interior design and home decor!
When I first stumbled over Mon´s blog and home I felt soooooooo inspired!

This is how Mon describe her home and chosen style in her own words:
"My style is Edgy Classic With a Swedish Twist. I always start safe (yikes! does that make me boring?) with simple and classic lines. Then I quickly rough it up with modern and unexpected pieces -- especially art and light fixtures. And at the very end I bring in the best of Sweden, and very often Swedish antiques.
I am a total eclectic girl. I love contrasts. I love to mix and try to make my home "me". My goal is to make m
y home warm, welcoming and interesting, wihout feeling contrived. It is an never-ending and very fun project!".

Yes, Mon for sure is an eclectic girl who really knows how to mix old and new items together.
I don´t get how she does that, everything, every room, looks amazing!

Since eclectic style is the way to go if you just can't choose one style, this might just be the solution for me:).
Let´s have a closer look!

First we have the stunning hallway. An old chest of drawers mixed with modern wallpaper.
Looks gre

Then we have the dining room area.
I love how she have put together 3 different type of chairs. Antique ones meet modern ones (from IKEA I think). Such a great match!

I love this living room, it feels so inviting and with a personal touch.
Down below a closer look at the Swedish antique piece standing to the left in the pic. above.
What a beauty!

Now, let´s meet Mon´s beautiful house cat(actually looks like a copy of my little Peach, besides she´s a girl).
His name is Charlie Parker and I can see why Mr Parker have chosen this particular spot in the house. Mine loves sheep skins as well and the window is perfect for 'indoor hunting'.

I feel that if you are going for the eclectic style you have to be a bit fearless. Mon is that!
Let me show you what I mean...
Mon had this beautiful wooden chest of drawers in her care.

Then she decided to have it painted in a beautiful blue color(!).
I would never have dared to do something like that!

And the result came out like this!
My Oh my!
I can´t find words enough to describe this fantastic transformation!

These last pics. for sure are my absolute favourite ones from Mon´s home.
Again, a fabolous mix between old(the chest of drawers, the mirror) and new(the lamp, the decor items).

If you look on the side, Mon have put these beautiful old marching band music cards in a vertical line.
Another great idea!

An old, antique Italian secretaire paired with a cubby shelf from Pottery Barn...
Who would have thought of that?
Not me!

But I think I´m starting to get some of it by now:).

Down below, another great example of the eclectic style.
Why not like Mon, use an old antique frame and put it togehter with a much more modern, a bit romantic photography.
Love it!

There are a lot of beautiful detalis to be found in Mon´s home.
I could probably walk around for hours, trying to soak it all in.

Thank you so much lovely, lovely Mon for letting me show these fantastic pics. of your beautiful home.
I´m so glad I finally get what the eclectic style is all about.
But, I´m dead sure I would not pull it of like you! Not many would!

Find out more about Mon and get some more fantastic tip and inspiration over at Mon´s sucessful blog, Splendid Willow.
You will not regret heading over there!

Next sunday
the last part in my Style searching will be up.
I like to call it 'La grande finale'.

I´m ceratin you will be swept away by this modern, yet vintage home.
You have not seen anything like this!

Bye folks, take good care of you!!!


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