Thursday, October 14, 2010

Twilight Saga...

Okey, I get it...

Photo: Zastavki

I´ve been laying in bed for 3 days with the flu, now feeling a bit better but still not fully back to normal. Other than resting I´ve spent my time watching some great movies.
I now finally get what the rest of the world have been so excited about the last year(2 years?). You see, I now have seen the first movie of three in the famous 'Twilight Saga'.
Yes, I know, I´m a bit late but I really didn´t think this whole vampire- story was something I would find intersting.
But, I have to admit I loved it and I´m really looking foward to see the other ones as well.

Photo: Freshome

While I was enjoying the movie I couldn´t help also feeling quite excited over the amazing house of the Cullen family, 'The Hoke House', Designed by Jeff Kovel.
What a great piece of architecture, don´t you think?
Well done, Mr Kovel, I feel amazed!

Finally inside you´ll get a glance of these areas of the house.
The entryway...

The kitchen and living room areas...

The stairway that brings us to Edward Cullen´s bedroom.

Photos: Designtavern

Which I REALLY found to be inspiring...

(I´m afraid the photo down below is not of very good quality).

The Barcelona daybed, the amazing shelf seen to the left, music and books, books, books- all exposed in the room and of course the stunning view...

Apartment therapy have put togheter this pic. that shows us how to get the style...

Thank you for your cute comments.
I´ll be catching up on all of you later on this week


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