Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A day at work...

Today I´ve been working in an old house, situated in the countryside.
I really enjoyed my visit there; the stunning nature, the quietness, the cows just outside the window. I could definitely see myself living like that, its amazing in so many ways !

Besides the freedom that comes with running my own buisness, I also get the chance to visit places I for sure would not have visit otherwise.
I also get to meet a lot of amazing people(whom I would not have met) and have a close look in their homes. It´s very inspiring and I pick up ideas almost everywhere I go.
I´m so grateful this is my job. Thank you!

The owner of the house i visited today had a lot of beautiful antique pieces in it, especially from the Empire period. Love those(!) and my mind is now more confused than ever when it comes to finding my own style :) .
There are so much beauty everywhere I go!

Before I sign off, sorry for not being a very good blog- friend right now:( .

Last week I was sick and now I have a lot of catching up at work.
I´ll check in on you soon, I promise!

Traditional home



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