Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Always, always stay true to yourself...

This post will be all about the Title, 'Always, always stay true to yourself'.
I love that quote by a dear blogfriend of mine, dear Mon who left these words on my 'Style searching Reveal' post. I will type them out and frame them, cause that is what all of this confusion has been all about.
It has only been days since I came to the conclusion on whats´s really my own Personal Style(Eclectic), and I feel so certain now, its like everything falls in place. I have so many ideas coming to my mind and suddenly I feel such joy making plans for my own home.
I am finally true to myself!

Photo: Morten Holtum

Yesterday I stumbled over this fantastic condominium home over at Apartment Therapy. I feel that this is such a great example of an Eclectic home, all in my taste.
Let´s have a closer look.

The first impression didn´t say much, the hallway at first sight actually looked awfully boring but then things started to happen and I was 'lost and found'.

Kithen and dining ares aglow in the setting sun.
Wiev from the living room.

I love the mix between the modern kitchen and dining table along with the beautiful antique chairs.

This pic, down below is one of my favourite ones. First of all, the daybed, love it!
The modern lamps and the modern artwork hanging from the ceiling gives in my personal opinion, a perfect contrast to the large black antique cabinet in the background

Hallway between master bedroom and dining area, lined with steel console.
I have a spose whom works with steel constructions and I was showing him these alternative side tables last night. Thought we might could use this idea here at home. Love the industrial feeling!

Now let´s head over to the bedroom. This room really speaks right to me. I´m a big fan of Warhols ´s art and if you look real close there´s a curved empire armchair(I have no idea what they are called in english) standing on the side of the bed , oh I dream of having one of those!

From the bed you´ll get to see this fantastic wiev of New York city. Beyond words!

The office has a very masculine touch to it.
Again a very modern lamp setting combined with a gorgeous antique piece, a black desk.

Hope you´ve enjoyed!


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