Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Get ready for Xmas, Part 4...

Photo: Vakre Hjem

Tip No.4- Sweater stockings
I really love all of these knitted stockings seen everywhere in every Christmas pic! But, I would not have the talent nor time to do one of my own. You see, when it comes to knitting, I´m lost and it would take me ages to accomplish a creation like that(I wish though)!

Again, Martha Stewart has come to my rescue. She came up with the brilliant idea of making a stocking out of a sweater. This really fits me just right!

Photo: Martha Stewart

Martha says that sweaters with unusual pockets, collars, or buttons make excellent stockings, and making a stocking from a patterned sweater creates the illusion that you knit it yourself. Whoopee:)!
Instructions on how to make your very own Sweater stocking here.

Happy wednesday all!


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