Some people see things as they are and ask Why?
I dream dreams that never were and ask Why not?
George Bernard Shaw
I have a lot of wishes and dreams, some of them are Big others smaller.
For example I dream my home would be and feel just as harmonious as this down below.
My home is at this point not a very harmonious home, it has never been actually. It feels more like a building site, both inside and out.
But we´ll get there some day, I´m sure:)!
On my wishlist you´ll also find this knitted cardigan from Lexington. Looks so warm and cozy!For example I dream my home would be and feel just as harmonious as this down below.
My home is at this point not a very harmonious home, it has never been actually. It feels more like a building site, both inside and out.
But we´ll get there some day, I´m sure:)!
Photo: Lexington
Books are a constant wish, you simply can not ever have too many of them!
This book down below is one of my latest wants!
Photo: Trendenser
Photo: We heart it
And since I´m an 'early riser' whom likes morning coffee, I´m dreaming of one of those fantastic coffeemakers that´ll bring you a latte or a cappucino or just your ordinary black coffe in a sec!
Photo: Heminredning.Wordpress
Some of you already knows of my dreams of having a bathtub. No place to put it just yet, but still...
This Gustavian piece I found as an object in an online auction nearby and I´m seriously thinking of buying it(I´m pursuing my eclectic style:)). Of course it´ll all depend on what the price will head at!
I keep on dreaming of it(Why not?) and mayby, just mayby if I´m really lucky, it´ll be mine for an amount of money that will suit my economy just right!
What´s on Your list of dreams and wishes?
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