Sunday, November 7, 2010

Style searching Reveal...

Hi there lovely readers!
I hope you´ve had great weekend so far(still early Sunday morning here at my place)!

After 5 weeks of Style searching I´ve finally reached the very final part, The Big Reveal:).
First of all I have to say that all of these 5 stunning homes have had a great impact on me. I adore each and every one of them, in their owns special way.
In every house tour I´ve picked up ideas(I hope you did too!)that I like and I´ve also used them to come to a final conclusion on what´s really My personal style!

Here´s my report...

Style searching No.1 & No.2
Lovely Kamomilla really knew the recepie of how to how to make a home comfortable and cozy!
I adore this daybed with the sheepskin in it and with a mix of pillows. A daybed is something that I absolutely would like to add in my own home.

The pic. to the right shows one of many favourite spots in lovely Susann´s modern home!
Ever since I was a little girl I´ve had a thing for Designer classics, especially Le Corbusier and this particual piece, The Lc4 is one of my absolute favourite ones. That is at least something that I am confident of when it comes to my own personal taste.

Style searching No.3
Yes, lovely Camilla has what I would call not only a 'Dreamhouse' but also a Dream bath! I feel this is so me and a Lion clawfoot bathtub has as long as I can remember been on my list of 'Wants'.

Style searching No. 4 & No.5
That edgy antique chest of drawers had me at first sight! Lovely Mon has shown me that there is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to interior design and home decor. Just follow you heart and go for it!

Finally lovely Cia has given me such a great example of how to start with a solid ground and to add items that I love in my home(modern ones, vintage stuff, own design projects). She has also really opened my eye for the use of accent colors. Easy and spectacular!

Along the way my Style searhing made me do some Soul searching as well
What do I like?, What is My taste?, Who am I?, What am I afraid of?, Why do I feel so confused? Do I like this? Do I like that? Is that a reflection of who I am deep inside? And so on...

Photo: Sköna hem

I came to the conclusion that I was(am) afraid of making 'others' disappointed or should I say afraid that others would not approve on my chosen style.
I want my home to feel special(who wouldn´t?), I want it to be a good example as well as an inspiration for others out there.
I also feel like I really need to walk the talk(I offer my clients interior design services as part of my buisness and this is something I would like to expand. But my confusion and lack of own personal style has really been holding me back...

Photo: Unknown
The recepie for me...
Finally, I´ve concluded that I need to start with a very solid ground, for me that means white. The next step would be to add accent colors(easy to do and easy to vary) as well as natural materials like sheepskins for a warm and cozy feeling. Nothing to be afraid of so far, is there!?
Then I have to accept that I can´t go for 1 style only, I need to mix it up. Like Mon I´m an Eclectic girl. I like modern and I like antiques.

Photo: Decorpad

Yes, I know some of you told me so already:). But, I was not fully sure this was the case. I was actually hoping that something else would come ut of this because being a person whom likes to mix different styles together
makes me a bit scared....
You see, this means I 'should' follow my heart and go for the modern classics as well as the lion claw bathtub, go for the modernt art as well as the antique side table I´ve been yearning for so long etc.
I´m so afraid it´ll be such a mess when I´m done and It feels like it would have been so much easier for me to go for the Modern style only, Shabby chic/Country style or a New England Theme(I love them all!) but again that´s apperently...

Really Am...


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