Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hello November...

I can´t believe we have already entered November month(!)
Time flies as they say and I couldn´t agree more!

Photo: We heart it

Yesterday I grabbed my rubber boots(Yes, I know, they are all green and ugly:), I´ve inteded to buy some nicer ones since September, but...) and went for a walk in the woods. With me I had a little bag to put some leafs in to bring back with me home.

Photos: Tina- Komma hem

You see, the talanted ladie over at Blomsterverkstad really had me inspired and I felt I just had to at least try to make one of those stunning maple wreaths of hers, following her instructions.

Down below is the result, hanging on my front door!
I´m actually proud of myself. I have never done a wreath on my own before so I must say the result came out much better than I ever would have thought:)!

Photos: Tina- Komma hem

The sun is standing low and soon it´ll be dark here at my place. The days suddenly feels sooo short and I´m trying my best to catch some of the daylight before it gets all dark again.
Luckily we have a great Holiday coming up and of course I also appriciate all of the coziness that comes with this season!

Photo: Lexington

Until the light comes back to us again I´ll do my best to fill myself up with some extra energy.
I believe we all need to shill out and take a little extra care of ourselfs during these darker months up her in the North.
Yoga, walks in the woods, lots and lots of vitamin C as well as ordinay relaxation(a bath, massage, having a rest etc.) always seems to work for me.

How do You manage this darker season of the year?
Please share!

Photos: We heart it

Sending All my Love to all of you readers!

Especially to my mom!


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