Wednesday, September 29, 2010

REMEMBER THIS? Guinness Prime Time 1996

This was an episode of Guinness Prime Time on which I appeared. It has been shown world wide since we appeared on it in about 1996. Julia's facial tattoos are way brighter then than they are now. She has been undergoing laser treatments to lighten and remove some of the work so that she can re do and re design her facial tattoos.

This show went world wide. A few years after the show aired in the U.S. and North America, I received a letter (not even an email, a paper letter!) from a friend in South Africa who said he saw it! Another in Australia... it had been translated into several languages and shown world wide!

Wanna say thanks to Daniel for forwarding me the link to this show!!

Style searching...

First of all I would like to welcome those of you whom have become my new 'Followers' here at 'Komma hem'. I feel so happy and excited and will visit all of you later on!

Second, I would like to thank old and new friends for your lovely comments lately! I´m so grateful having all of you in my life!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Photos: We heart it

Third, I feel so sorry for my lack of comments lately. It has been a crazy week so far and to be honest I feel exhausted in so many ways. I´m sorry, but at least you´ll now know why!
I will do my best to check in on all of you soon very soon!

For todays post I´ve choosen these photos for a special reason. You see, they express a lot of who I am when it comes to interior design!
I love, love a lot of different styles and this has been a real challenge for me decorating my own home.

Photo: Living Etc

I simply can´t make up my mind and unfortenately I´m way to unsecure to mix and match like shown on todays pics. So, therefore I´m going Style- searching.
Hopefully this will help me finally finding my own style as well as inspire you along the way!

Find out more later on this week!

Photo: Living Agency

Photo: We heart it


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

all cats are grey.

john from seattle got a bob dylan-esque travelling cat a while ago,and just sent that picture to me.
thank you a lot!!!
and although i love to hang out with the k9-alarm-system L-UCI4 all the time,i have to admit,cats are my most favourite animals ever.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


After an emotional weekend, with a good outcome I would like to celebrate all of the good things in life!
There are so much to be grateful for and lately I for sure have had some experiences in my life that have made me very aware of what really matters!

What could be better than sparkling colors to express this feeling of gratitude towards life?

'Out of this experience only good will come'

Isn´t that a great affirmation? made by Louise Hay.
Even the worst ones actually seems to bring something good to it in the end!

I often use these words when things are not' going my way' or even when the most devastating things happens in my life.
These words bring such comfort and hopefully some of you will put them in the back of your head and make them usefull when life is hard on you!

Finally a big Thank You to my lovely neighbors whom have shown such gratitude towards me and my common- law spouse, for trying our best to help them through a difficult experience this weekend.
We are so happy on your behalf and you have now given your appriciation more than enough for this lifetime:)!

Photo: Unknown

Friday, September 24, 2010

Color combo...

Photo: Devianart

I now have a favourite color combination. I actually didn´t know I had one until Erika had me tagged and I had to answer what my favourite color combination was.
I have always liked the contrast between the black and white but was not aware I enjoyed it so much!

Photo: Rum

Photo: Rum

Down below some black and white favourite items from My own home...
Pic. 1&2:
I´m so in love with my Marcel Breuer 'Wassily chair'. My best buy ever!
The throw is from Swedish Bolagret.
Pic. 3&4:
These items are from IKEA. The pillows are from the 'Stockholm Collection' and the white lamp I found the other day when I was visiting IKEA in Älmhult. It only costs 29:- Swedish Krona. I think it is a real cutie!

Photos: Komma hem
Pic. 5&6:
Got my black and white cowhide a few years ago and now I couldn´t live without it. Find it practical and very usefull, easy to carry around and seems to fit everywhere I put it.
Last pic shows another item from IKEA, a designed water pot. Both usefull and nice to look at!

Photo: We heart it

On sunday you´ll find me Guest blogging about 'Autumn' over at lovely, lovely Charlotta Ward´s place 'Space for Inspiration'. Check it out if you are interested!
Charlotta is such an inspiration and I recommend you head over there either way! Click on the banner! Ds.

See you later all of you beautiful people out there!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I´ve been tagged...

Yes, Lovely Erika over at Tiptoe Butterfly(you have to check her blog out, it´s amzing!) had me 'tagged' the other day. This means I have to answer 8 questions about me and here they come...

1. Favourite flower?

Oh, this was not a hard one. I love, love hydrangea, that´s my absolute favourite one and I don´t see how any other flower could comepete with it, that´s simply not possible:)!

2. Favourite color combination?

This was a hard one. I don´t know if I actually have one. Let me think...
Of course, It has to be black and white. Love the contrast the both of them gives eachother, like Yin and Yang.

Photo: Sköna hem

3. Favourite celebrity couple?
I have to say Kutcher-Moore(assuming they are still together). I think they are both great actors and their long lasting realtionship shows off that age does not matter!

4. My theme song
Ha, ha! Prepare yourself, here comes the silly part of being me...

5. Favourite 'I had a terrible day food'
I´m such a chocolat- girl, so it´ll be there I go for comfort!

6. Lipstick, Lip gloss or both?
Most of the time none. Occasionally Lip gloss.

7. Favourite magazines

All types of interior magazines for example Sköna hem and Plaza.

Photo: Sköna hem

8. Favourite things about fall?

What is there not to like about fall?
This season is my favourite one and I love everything about it!

Thank you Erika for tagging me!

Now I´m suppose to send it over to some of you other great bloggers out there.
But instead of picking some of you out, I´m simply going to send it over to all of you readers(I would love to know a little bit more about you!) and if you feel like take it on, please let me know so that I can link back to your blog/website

Have a great day!
Bye for now!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Aron McKenzie is back at Funhouse Tattoo after some time away tattooing all over Canada, he's back in Vancouver! Aron and Mark used to work together years ago in London Ontario. Though their styles are different, their dedication to the perfection of their art is the same.

Aron has over 15 years tattooing, he has experience in every style.... black and grey, traditional...portraits... freehand... you name it. Even if you have purple skin, he can make the lightest colors show up!!! If you want a kitten chasing a ball of yarn, he's your guy... if you know any deers who need to be put out of their misery... he's your guy... if you need any advice on natural cures or remedies... maybe ask some one else!

He has tattooed coast to coast and has some of the best stories around... no f*cking joke. Come down and get tattooed by Aron!

Please call the shop to make an appointment. 604-879-4114

Monday, September 20, 2010

Movie Inspiration...

I feel so inspired and fascinated and I am so looking foward to share this with you. Hopefully after reading this post you´ll feel some of what I am feeling.

The other day I had a look at this fantastic movie...

I have seen it before, many years ago but had forgotten how amazing it actually was. It inspires me in so many ways, I´m not sure I can describe it in words.
It´s simply amazing in all areas; the stunning nature, the exotic animals, the colonial interior design, the safari inspired fashion and the whole ambience of Africa.

I find myself enjoying the lack of cellphones, televisions and computers. I enjoy having these things in my life very much obviously, but sometimes I also find myself dreaming of a world when these things did not excist. It feels all so calming and free of stress.

The movie is all based on the life of an amazing Danish woman named Karen Blixen.
In the year of 1914, 28 year old Karen and her Swedish husband Baron Bror von Blixen became settlers in Kenya, Africa.
Finally at place they moved into a beautiful farm at the foot of the Ngong Hills and used family money to establish a coffee plantation, hiring African workers.
The farm house gained international fame with the release of the movie 'Out of Africa'.
No wonder, it is truly a beautiful place!

Down below Meryl Streep and Robert Redford sitting on the beautiful terrace of the M´Bogani farm house at Ngon Hills.

As always when I feel inspired I would love to decorate my home in this beautiful African/British Colonial style.

At Designspongeoline and at Lauracaseyinteriors you´ll get some more tip on how to 'Get the look'!

'I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills...'

Tragically Karen lost her farm as a result of the world wide economic depression along with the unsuitability of her farm's soil for coffee growing and on top of all that a devastating fire.
After spending quite some years in Africa she moved back to Denmark.
She never returned to Africa again.

'I stayed in the room where I was born, and tried to remember the colors of Africa...'

What a woman, I feel so inspired of her and her life!
Find out more in the book written by Karen Blixen under her 'pen name'(pseudonym) Isak Dinesen, at the websites of Karen Blixen Museum in Denmark or at the National Museums of Kenya.

Now leaving with a wish and hope that you all feel inspired!