Sunday, September 26, 2010


After an emotional weekend, with a good outcome I would like to celebrate all of the good things in life!
There are so much to be grateful for and lately I for sure have had some experiences in my life that have made me very aware of what really matters!

What could be better than sparkling colors to express this feeling of gratitude towards life?

'Out of this experience only good will come'

Isn´t that a great affirmation? made by Louise Hay.
Even the worst ones actually seems to bring something good to it in the end!

I often use these words when things are not' going my way' or even when the most devastating things happens in my life.
These words bring such comfort and hopefully some of you will put them in the back of your head and make them usefull when life is hard on you!

Finally a big Thank You to my lovely neighbors whom have shown such gratitude towards me and my common- law spouse, for trying our best to help them through a difficult experience this weekend.
We are so happy on your behalf and you have now given your appriciation more than enough for this lifetime:)!

Photo: Unknown


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