Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Emotional hours...

Photo: Unknown

Sunday evening one of my lovely Housecats 'Peach' was showing signs of not feeling so good.
Later that night she was sick, troughing up a couple of times and the next morning she did not want to eat.
We came to the conclusion that she had a hairball that just wouldn´t come up. Have happend many times before...
Later that evening she was getting more and more apathetic and we decided to call the Vet. They recommended we drove right away to the nearest Animal hospital, for us situated in Helsingborg, 2 hours driving from our town.
And off we went in a hurry!

Photo: Moderncat

It felt we were never getting there, time stood still and I was so scared that I was going to loose her.
When we finally arrived they couldn´t do much for us during the night at the Animals hospital, so after Peach had been given some fluid in her system and after the Vet had told us she was out of danger, we decided to go back home(just couldn´t leave her there by herself, even if the Vet insisted that we should for observation and tests next day).
At 4 in the morning we finally reached home again, not getting much sleep, feeling all sad and worried what was wrong with our little girl.
At 8 we called our local Vet and got an appointment.
After X-rays and several bloodtests they finally concluded Peach had a high level of Glucose(diabetic) in her blood and she also had a urinary infection. Everything else was looking good!

I was so scared the whole time that there was going to be something serious with her, that they could not fix.
I have never seen her this sick(during our whole 10 years together) and the whole situation have been all very emotional. I simply couldn´t see myself without her!
Now I think I will enjoy my lovely cats and the time we´ll have togheter even more(if that is possible).
Time is precious, I´ve for sure realized that the last 48 hours of my life!
Now we are all hoping that the antibiotics and the new protein diet will get her back on track again.

I feel so happy and relieved!

Photo: Unknown

Right now she is laying her beside me on a cushion on the floor. Still sleeping of and on.
I love her so much and feel so grateful she´s a part of my life!
Thank you Universe!


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