Thursday, September 2, 2010

A brand new day...

It´s a new dawn, it´s a new day, it´s a new life and I´m feeling good...
It´s early in the morning here at my place and I´ve been watching the sun rise. The birds and the rest of the world is slowly awakening.

Photo: Gant

I love the quietness in the mornings. It gives me time to think and enjoy the moment before everything starts all over again.

Do you like to get up early in the mornings? Why/Why not?

Also took time this morning to check out some fashion news as well as some fall interior decor.
I´ve found a lot of things to put on my wishlist.

Not being able to afford them all, but you mustn´t stop dreaming.
Dreams do come true!

Got a lot on your wishlist this fall as well? Such as...?

Thank you for leaving a comment!


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