Monday, September 20, 2010

Movie Inspiration...

I feel so inspired and fascinated and I am so looking foward to share this with you. Hopefully after reading this post you´ll feel some of what I am feeling.

The other day I had a look at this fantastic movie...

I have seen it before, many years ago but had forgotten how amazing it actually was. It inspires me in so many ways, I´m not sure I can describe it in words.
It´s simply amazing in all areas; the stunning nature, the exotic animals, the colonial interior design, the safari inspired fashion and the whole ambience of Africa.

I find myself enjoying the lack of cellphones, televisions and computers. I enjoy having these things in my life very much obviously, but sometimes I also find myself dreaming of a world when these things did not excist. It feels all so calming and free of stress.

The movie is all based on the life of an amazing Danish woman named Karen Blixen.
In the year of 1914, 28 year old Karen and her Swedish husband Baron Bror von Blixen became settlers in Kenya, Africa.
Finally at place they moved into a beautiful farm at the foot of the Ngong Hills and used family money to establish a coffee plantation, hiring African workers.
The farm house gained international fame with the release of the movie 'Out of Africa'.
No wonder, it is truly a beautiful place!

Down below Meryl Streep and Robert Redford sitting on the beautiful terrace of the M´Bogani farm house at Ngon Hills.

As always when I feel inspired I would love to decorate my home in this beautiful African/British Colonial style.

At Designspongeoline and at Lauracaseyinteriors you´ll get some more tip on how to 'Get the look'!

'I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills...'

Tragically Karen lost her farm as a result of the world wide economic depression along with the unsuitability of her farm's soil for coffee growing and on top of all that a devastating fire.
After spending quite some years in Africa she moved back to Denmark.
She never returned to Africa again.

'I stayed in the room where I was born, and tried to remember the colors of Africa...'

What a woman, I feel so inspired of her and her life!
Find out more in the book written by Karen Blixen under her 'pen name'(pseudonym) Isak Dinesen, at the websites of Karen Blixen Museum in Denmark or at the National Museums of Kenya.

Now leaving with a wish and hope that you all feel inspired!


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