Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The truth about cats...

I would ike to dedicate this post to all of the beautiful cats out there in the world.
And who nows, thanks to this great commercial some of them soon might just have a new home!?

Do you agree/disagree on all the 'truths' in this video?
I would love to hear what you think!

The long hair black cat in the movie is such a copy of Peach!
By the way she is now feeling so much better.
Beside some stomach issues(the poor stomach probably got a chock ones she started to eat again) the little girl of mine is back to her old self again.

The antibiotics have shown such fast results on the infection, and we are so happy and grateful having her back in her good old state again.
Hopefully the new diet will show some results on her glucose as well(new tests further on).

Thanks again for your lovely comments!
You are all so loving and caring and I appriciate it a lot!


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