Friday, September 17, 2010

Fall feelings...

I´m really falling into a fall feeling over here in Sweden.
And it´s now high time to put away the summer- clothes and to bring out some warmer ones.
To be honest I have not done this yet. It has been such crazy weeks and I have not gotten myself to do it. It is not that I dont want it, oh no, I love fall but sometimes I just seem to put things on hold.
I really don´t like this part of me and I feel that it has sneaken up on me during our kitchen renovation(that by the way has been going on forever now). It´s like the chaos spreads itself and bring out hidden parts of me that I was not very aware of before. It´s kind of scary:)...

Everywhere I look I find these warming and cozy sheep- and reindeer skins. I simply love them and wish I could invest in some this fall. Unfortunately the economy does not allow me to do that right now, but I keep on dreaming and add all my wants to my wishlist.
Some day I´ll get them all:)!

It´s getting darker here, the rain is pouring outside and I´m off having todays last cup of coffe at my favourite spot in the house.
But before I go I would like to wish you all amazing readers a happy, cozy weekend!
Bye for now!


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