Thursday, September 23, 2010

I´ve been tagged...

Yes, Lovely Erika over at Tiptoe Butterfly(you have to check her blog out, it´s amzing!) had me 'tagged' the other day. This means I have to answer 8 questions about me and here they come...

1. Favourite flower?

Oh, this was not a hard one. I love, love hydrangea, that´s my absolute favourite one and I don´t see how any other flower could comepete with it, that´s simply not possible:)!

2. Favourite color combination?

This was a hard one. I don´t know if I actually have one. Let me think...
Of course, It has to be black and white. Love the contrast the both of them gives eachother, like Yin and Yang.

Photo: Sköna hem

3. Favourite celebrity couple?
I have to say Kutcher-Moore(assuming they are still together). I think they are both great actors and their long lasting realtionship shows off that age does not matter!

4. My theme song
Ha, ha! Prepare yourself, here comes the silly part of being me...

5. Favourite 'I had a terrible day food'
I´m such a chocolat- girl, so it´ll be there I go for comfort!

6. Lipstick, Lip gloss or both?
Most of the time none. Occasionally Lip gloss.

7. Favourite magazines

All types of interior magazines for example Sköna hem and Plaza.

Photo: Sköna hem

8. Favourite things about fall?

What is there not to like about fall?
This season is my favourite one and I love everything about it!

Thank you Erika for tagging me!

Now I´m suppose to send it over to some of you other great bloggers out there.
But instead of picking some of you out, I´m simply going to send it over to all of you readers(I would love to know a little bit more about you!) and if you feel like take it on, please let me know so that I can link back to your blog/website

Have a great day!
Bye for now!


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